Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 1 September 2007

It's That Tortoise Again ...

It's that tortoise on go slow again .... New Zealand Xtra Broadband. So very, very, very slow today. I'm unable to load the Daily Express web site or the Sky News Web site due to time outs. Everything else is taking for ever to load up. The so called broadband here is barely the speed of dial up connection. It is a known and accepted fact that large sections of the NZ Telecom network is still running on old cabling which can only provide dial up speed. So little of the network has the capability for broadband speeds, yet they advertise broadband. They get everyone to subscribe to broadband. Yet what you actually get is broadband going through a network designed only for dial up. There are too many subscribers too.

The result is broadband at dial up speed which cuts out regularly because there is too much traffic. It is total crap.