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Monday 3 September 2007

Malta Outline

With reference to the recent Daily Merlin 'The Campaign', and comparing the map outline of Malta & Gozo above with the abstract shape gained by the crystal casting, it is possible to glean there is a slight similarity. Taking this concept a little further, and noting where the crystal casting fell, the observer will glean that the Keeper of Staves lies underneath the crystal which is the outermost 'extremity' of the pattern at the top of the casting. This crystal is intuited as being that of the Island of Gozo. The 'Keeper' relates to an actual persona placed on Gozo who I sense was involved in the saga. It may well be the term relates to the actual world .. perhaps someone who in truth was keeper of the Shining Star at one time.

There seem to be two 'orders' here of significance entwined into one (the order of the weapons and the order of the staves), as if personas involved in the situation are members of two seperate 'orders' or significant groups. The capital of Malta, Valletta is seen to be one of the two crystals which fell on the 'Keeper of Weapons' ... it impacts into the pattern as being the 'green' stone' therefore at the heart of the entire casting and thus in someway at the heart of the campaign?

Might then the 'Keeper of Weapons' ... the court of the swords ... of which the bearer of 'the flaming sword' belongs ... be those who are the custodians of the Shining Star? Might it be that the instruction to 'withdraw her from the public eye' come as the direct result of those at the upper echelons of this order .... at that level, connections will reach far and wide. Thus to someone of this influence, if correctly 'planned', this campaign might truly have a significant impact on the mundane world.

It can be made to appear as a common or garden abduction, especially if members at a lower degree were discovered to have conceived an offspring by means that go against the wishes or the doctrines of this or another connected 'order'? Might then the perfect decoy within the air of a 'carelessly' concealed 'conspiracy theory be created to perpetuate this campaign? But what then of those of the lower order who had their offspring 'abducted' what might they know with regard to the decoy created on high? Will the abduction be created as real as possible for them ... in order for their reactions to be genuine? Or might one or both, or even acquintances close to them, be aware of the real motives behind it all? This is the 'crux' to it all. Their plight would be gleaned to be under the microscope in those drawing board days of planning this entire charade ... so might therefore the decision be made to cut them out of the loop so they will react as genuine victims of an abduction? I would think this would have been the most advantageous of choices. It is most likely plan A. But what then ... if those lower degree members learnt somehow of this intended ruse? What then if they knew but did not let on they knew what was going to occur? Either by tip off from family or associates, or by deduction, what if they knew that this abduction was going to take place? What could they do and how would they react? How would this 'spanner' affect the works?

This is perhaps only speculation, but elements of this posting feel to ring true. The reactions of the McCanns suggest they knew beforehand that the abduction of Maddy was going ot take place. The McCanns knew that 'they' had taken her. They seem to somehow know who has Maddy and why but appear to not be able to let on ... as they are not supposed to know .. and are meant to think it is a real abduction. Another 'enigma' here ... is the 'rank' or 'degree' of Gerry McCann? What level might he be on the pyramid of degrees if he is there at all? If he is beyond the lower degrees then perhaps he knew himself of the plans to 'use' his daughter to force a campaign on the world to create the means to 'tidy up the mess' and also provide the means to further control the public by 'overt accepted means'. For that in truth appears to be the intention and the trojan horse of it all.

Finally, the altitude of the pyramid structure 'involvement' will encompass all degrees of government, religion and media, which would explain why the media and the governments have reacted in the ways they have been seen to react. It appears the end time has arrived, which is why it seems the covers are off and we are seeing policies planned and all the 'good' which could come out of the campaign.