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Monday 3 September 2007

More on Chaos

What makes chaos magic different is the concept of magical paradigm shift. Most systems prescribe a set of gods, spirits, spells, certain sacred spaces, and mantras to use. This is because to them, magical power comes from specific things, like spirits, that prefer things to be a certain way. Chaos magic is about personal power, and Chaos Magicians believe that magic comes from attaining gnosis.

"Gnosis means knowledge in Greek and refers to the heightened state of mind that chaotes believe makes magic possible. You “get into the zone” through meditation or any other method you prefer, and then you concentrate intensely on what you want, on having it, pushing yourself as hard as you can go. After reaching gnosis and burning your intent into your mind, you must immediately blank it out and let it work subconsciously as well as astrally. This “zone” is what people in traditions around the world aim for when they meditate, dance ecstatically, or chant spells and mantras repeatedly. The reason we use things like candles, costumes, and sacred spaces is to help people get into a Gnostic state."

There is a saying in this tradition that “nothing is true, everything is permitted”. There’s one catch, though: you have to believe whatever you are doing and snap into different mindsets at will. You have to be able to wrap your mind around different things to be able to actually accept that you can change reality.

Sigils are symbols that chaos mages (and others) make to represent their intent. They’re popular because it’s quick and easy to do a sigil spell. They have been around at least since the Middle Ages, when mages used prescribed sigils to call up spirits. You can also make and incorporate sigils in larger spells, draw them in various places, splice them into film reels, etc. The 'trick' is to use the imagination processes of the mind to their fullest capacity. That is the essential core to Chaos Magick. The creation of sigils which represent your magick, your intention. A Sigil being the material plane intention which is then sent out into the aethers of the astral plane, into the collective consciousness. The 'total belief' in the sigil is the mechanics behind the magick working.

The likes of 'Servitors' and 'Eggregors' are the thought form 'astral beings' which the Chaos Magician creates to undertake his or her bidding on the astral plane. These can be as simple as 'a seeker' which is cast out into the collective consciousness to uncover hidden information or establish a remote viewing connection. The concept of Chaos Magick is boundless and is only limited by the imagination of the magician.