Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 12 October 2007

Building a Body of Light

The following exercise can be undertaken in order to build a Body Of Light which can be used to visit places on the materal plane OR as an alternative to visualised pathworking. The result should be more intense and lead to clear realisations.

Using image dowsing - draw a picture of a person representing you, standing face forward, it does not have to be fabulous, but you must draw it. Then write your name and the date on the drawing.

Then ask if you can dowse the image as you. Seeking permission is essential, it helps your inner consciousness to recognise its own influence, and to limit error.

Begin by dowsing for the edge of the aura, and draw it in. With rods, have them cross at the edge at several points, like dot to dot. Or find one point on the edge like this. Then place the pencil on the paper, one rod in your hand tell the rod to show you the direction to draw in and follow it, it is slow, but effective, with practice. Move on to find the chakra centres, and the extent of the vessels they occupy. Then identify their colour, by dowsing not by the intellect.

You could also dowse the major emergent chords, these are attachments you have made to other people, or things. They vary in size and length, and appear as twisted chords. Check for any unwanted attachments, that you will have to cut them completely, any small remnants will cause the fibres to regenerate and re-establish themselves.

Visualise a sword in your hand, and cut the chord, then visualising a flaming torch burn both ends of the chords right back to both of the auras from which they emerge.

You can also dowse for tears in the aura. Repair them by visualising them and in the visualisation clean the edges of the tear, then sew it up, see it as whole and healed. They do need to be checked again from time to time.

Visualise it standing before you as clearly as possible, look into its eyes, embrace it and greet it. The next time you do this exercise after the embrace visualise your magical true self stepping into you, occupy the same space, feel its presence, see the world through its eyes, feel its energy, affirm yourself as your magical true self. Tell yourself and the Magical Universe who you are, announce yourself as though you were at a fancy party - I AM (YOUR NAME) BY THE RIGHT OF MY BIRTH I STAND HERE. Or words to that effect, they will come to you.

In your daily practice begin to see your magical self stand before you before stepping into you. Then in the practice see it step out of you and stand before you, see it clearly.

As this becomes second nature have it step out of you taking your consciousness with it. Will your consciousness to remain with the magical self, at this stage the projected body is commonly known as The Body of Light.

When you feel that your consciousness clearly steps out with your magical self use your will to send it somewhere. This method can be used to visit places on this plane, but this is of little value. Use it, rather, as an alternative to visualised pathworking. The result should be more intense and lead to clear realisations.

You will need to develop a gate or door that you can use as a point of entry to the other realms, this is built up by visualisation, and the destination set by symbols upon the door, or gate. (MORE ...)