Imagine yourself in the middle of a vast plain that reaches as far as the horizon in every direction. As you turn and look all around, it appears as though you are standing at the very centre of a circle.
The consciousness which is you at the centre of a circle can remain even when you fill up that plain with cities, roads, gardens, rubbish heaps, brick walls or whatever happens to surround you in your environment. The horizon, although not directly seen, is still present - and if you move in any direction, however small or large a distance, you always remain in the centre of that circle.
This is an important exercise in consciousness. It is a practical living way of experiencing the truth that you are always the centre. Wherever you are, you are the centre of the circle of your consciousness, both in the inner world and the outer.
This circle, of which you are the centre, may be interfaced, crossed, knotted up with and overlapping myriads of other circles belonging to other people, animals, plants, inanimate objects - in fact, everything: but your own circle is always uniquely yours. If I were standing next you looking into the deepest space at a far distant star, although we could not directly perceive it, our perception of that star would be altered by the few feet between us.