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Friday 12 October 2007

Daily Merlin: "The Bigger Picture"

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Merlin tarot)

Friday 12th October 2007


10:00pm -

Tonight is an experimental type of working. Indeed ALL workings of this nature are in truth an experiment ... but the working tonight has been approached in a different way. No photographic psychometry. No specific question. Instead ... the Merlin Tarot cards will be used as an 'open channel' for insights to be provided by way of the divination aid ... the Merlin tarot to act as 'a mediatory doorway .... something may be received of worth ... or then again nothing may be revealed at all ... the only preparation ... the image of The Star trump will act as the significator at the centre of the working.

"Insights provided by way of an open channel. The slate is wiped clean ... a fresh page in the book awaiting the writer's pen ...."

The pattern of the crystal casting ... the basic shape of a question mark once again. Bigger than the last one ... more spread out around the images .... intuited as meaning the bigger picture ... formed or is forming. The answer lies in the picture seen when the observer steps back ...

The appearance of the King of Beasts & the Queen of Beasts at the top of the working ... the partners of a trump ... husband and wife on the material plane or possibly brother and sister ... to their right is Temperance ... denoting this couple have the 'patience of a saint' ... or the patience of an archangel ... their role seems to be that of the protective archangel ... Raphael perhaps as the King of Beasts is again linked to the 'retired' healer. The injured former doctor or consultant. Raphael is the healer of souls ... therefore the parallel is interesting as is the religious angle to this couple. He appears again to have the permission to undertake say marriage ceremonies or lesser rites in the church. Their role here is a benevolent one ... looking upon the Star image with concern and compassion (the star image is the significator for Maddy by the way) ... therefore their patience has been tested with regarded to the bigger picture. They seem to be the custodians of Maddy, yes ... but it is not something of their own choice. They have misgivings .... and find the role unethical. It perhaps has been a longer assignment than anticipated when it was first agreed this would be their role. However in all of this ... they have no harmed Maddy in anyway. They protect her. They conceal her. They keep her from harm. Again the sense this is a safe house ... away from harm.

There is a fragment of smoky quartz on the image of the King of Beasts. It suggests that perspectives are cloudy ... and directives have become hidden in all the decoys and deceptions created ... represented by the first stone ... again, a fragment of Fool's Gold. At the other end of the trail of crystals there is a fragment of Jasper ... stability and control by those at the control end of the network. In this compartment of the perpetrators ... the role is to keep the trail that leads from the events of 3rd of May ... away from where the King & Queen of Beasts reside. Again with these personas there is a link with antlers ... beasts ... woodland .... which has been established many times before. The locality therefore seems to have remained static. For some reason the need to be profound surfaces. I am wary here ... I sense there is someone linked who may well be a joiner/carpenter ... or perhaps a furniture manufacturer ... as the King & Queen appear to be recipients of bespoke furniture. It is on these crafts they sit and watch the little girl ... the man more than the woman it seems ... he appears to be immobilised ... she seems to have to keep up normal appearances where she resides ... flitting in and out of the room by day... to teach ... from time to time ... relieving a young woman who is around Maddy from her duties ...

Even when Maddy appears to have been clumsy or even slightly accident prone .. catching vases filled with flowers in giddy play ... or overturning ornaments on tables ... they merely smile ... and tell her firmly she must calm down and behave herself. They know that Maddy will return but only when all the furore dies down. When the storm passes and it is safe for Maddy to venture outside. The 8 of Serpents ... 'expediency' ... with the stone of communication within its centre ... the topic of her conception very much one of the main reasons she has been made seemingly invisible. The 4 of Beasts ... 'increase' ... too much activity or attention for this 'cargo' to be moved or seen to be exchanged back with the McCanns ... things need to become quiet and the 4 of Birds .... the 'truce' .... is drawn up. There is some kind of negotiation ahead; maybe even the exchange of monies ... sadly it could be a blackmail after all .... but it is not this couple who will instigate this scenario. Their wish is for an easy life ... their wish is for Maddy to be return back to her rightful parents. There is one who could so easily have 'claimed' custodianship of Maddy for itself ... but not now ... this has gone on for too long.

The path of the Moon surfaces again at the base of the question mark. At that end of the journey ... deception at that end too ... a perfect reflection it seems of the Fools Gold then?

Then there is the Fool image finally ... the new beginning on hold .. the blind leap of folly that seemingly will come ... when the young girl and her newly acquired belongings are moved from this hidden country abode ... and she is taken to where Kate & Gerry are able to 'pick her up' ... it appears it will not be in the Uk or even in Portugal. I have some obscure place ... a seemingly tiny hamlet near to idyllic mountain ranges ... a pair of binoculars watch the approach of a single car ... see the couple step out of the car ... then Maddy is led by the hand to a white building ... taken through a rear entry ... and left on her own in a disused church like building. Then on the signal ... a certain number of rings perhaps on a mobile phone ... the couple who arrived there can go through a front entry into the hall and collect a living breathing Maddy. The seeker ... like a silent owl watches this event and knows it is not an astral delusion. It is a reflection of a coming event. Again the link to Maddy being left at a church ... the drop off point somewhere ....

Negotiations must somehow be instigated in order for a dialogue to be entered into ... but how if the perpetrator is still an unknown ... and there is no contact with the McCanns. Somehow intelligence must use its influence to urge this to occur ... for the reason to reach Gerry & Kate and a means of negotiation to be gained ... there is something that the perpetrator expected of Gerry it seems ... and perhaps Gerry met those terms .... so then something must occur that can affect the release of Maddy ... supposition maybe but too much attention seems to be around ... the smokescreens concealing ... the fact no truth has ever been revealed ... truly something different occurs behind the scenes.

Lorraine and Bethany. Name of people or places. White limestone escarpments. A woman should ring and confirm Maddy is indeed alive ... offer proof ... her voice on tape ... or another photograph. Something suppressed because the press are still obsessed with the Pied Piper's insistence she is dead ... despite the turn around with the PJ now seeking her kidnappers. The Pied Piper appears to be a witting accomplice to the one who is the theoretical perpetrator ... the one who pulled it all together and gave the instructions for it to take place. A cunning man of business who nobody will ever learn about .... for his face will not be linked. The 4 of Beasts indicates the finance he is set to have gained by it all ... there is something of significance in the realm of research that appears to be another reason for the situation. Genetics once more ... with more parenting revelations to come ... it seems.