Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 12 October 2007

Daily Merlin: 'An Open Channel'


Daily Merlin Insight (Using Tarot of Atlantis)
Saturday 13th October 2007
10:10am - 10:47am

Having just quickly digested the current speculative journalism relating, I'd felt inspired to adopt an 'open channel' once more. To undertake a working with little in the way of preparation ....

A lack of familiarity with these images heralds the need to consult the literal meanings of the arcana characters themselves ...

7 of Swords suggests 'the search for the truth'. New ideas being formulated. Two characters watch 'the media ship float by on the tide of public opinion and emotions' ... something appears to be changing the ships direction ... as a fresh wind blows in the sails.

9 of Swords suggests 'control of emotions' and the reflection before action is taken. There is a review of the situation. Analysis ... and intrigue.

The Fool ... the spokesman appears to stand in readiness to herald news of a different direction. News of some new campaign. Some shift in the considerations. Behind him a 'piper' still plays his tune ... steps to those heady heights of media speculations still stand beside him; perhaps another tune to will the public to believe that cruel speculation again. Another round of smokescreens? Therefore some contradictory statement by the spokesman to distract us from that wasted trip More false speculation appears ready for publishing. On the grounds of alleged paternity ... this story seems to be subject to a distracting declaration by the spokesman.

The 5 of Pentacles ... a man is seen to watch a gathered crowd in the background. Let us assume this group is the 'Tapas 9' .... someone in the foreground therefore could be a witness to the Tapas 9 ... something of worth perhaps coming to light? Some light shed on that occasion ... someone of 'military' mind was present that night? Someone of rank in intelligence or armed forces perhaps? The seller of the 'revelations' ... a mere peddler of worthless trinkets perhaps??? One of the trinkets depicts a man carrying a heavy object ... perhaps this relates to a revelation this witness recognised or saw someone carrying the bundle of a child away ... unobserved by the Tapas 9? A pinch of salt is required for ensuing revelations that follow through October ... more deceptive decoys ...

The 10 of Wands ... shows a two headed mural unearthed in some underground cave. A revelation revealed perhaps? There are always two sides every coin. What is reported in the tabloids will always be that which brings on the best response and guarantees newspaper sales. There is a need to step back and consider the other side of the coin. There is need for dialogue and there is anticipated conflict with others over this event. This could be the 'nitty gritty' ... that which is beneath the concealment ... a hint of perhaps the truth ...

Finally Judgement .... something of significance is intuited here ... a realisation to come to pass. Something perhaps of major consequence revealed ... the timing cannot be planned ... it is something out of the blue .... it seems.

The crystal casting has a look of familiarity with its shape ... the symbol perhaps of Leo ... a glyph of something profound. Denoting a new revelation perhaps taking the rounds .... It contains 5 stones ... a focus on another campaign emphasised to conceal what has been speculated in the coming days.