Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Daily Merlin: 'The Shining Star'

10:05pm - 11:15pm
Wednesday17th October 2007

Daily Merlin Insight (Servants of the Light tarot)

Preparations for
this working include brainwave generator sound waves set at delta combination of 2.0hz, 0.5 hz & 3.8hz to induce 'conscious awareness' ... and also the Star image placed beforehand in the centre of the working. Photographic psychometry of a photograph of Madeleine McCann will provide the initial link.

'In the light of continuing media speculation, insights are deemed necessary regarding the current surroundings of the Shining Star

An open
fire. The rising smoke and unmistakable smell of wood burning. The image changing then to squares of peat stacked outdoors .. brought in and the fire is then one of burning the peat. Traditional stone cottages within a peat moor. An old couple from centuries past. He is wearing a grey jumper ... short white hair. Slender built .. in his 50's or 60's ... within a photograph of a mantlepiece .... linked with her grandma ... perhaps this is great grandparents. He has a black pipe in his mouth. The photo is faded and creased ... sepia it seems. She is the ruler of the roost. He was quietly spoken. She wore the trousers ... he went out to work ... escaped to go fishing. The link to an loch. The reference to a boat coming in ... a sense now of Geordie land perhaps with 'when the boat comes in' and 'a canny bag of Tudor' (Tudor crisps) ... there is a link to Geordie land in the family. These are ancestral links. They are behind them 100% ... can confirm innocence ...

He stands quietly to the right. His head is bowed waiting to speak. His cap in his hand. I sense Robert may have been his name. Bob ... he is politely awaiting his time to speak. His wife ... she has the rolling pin ... she baked ... she maybe even smoked their fish? A sense of smoke house perhaps. A bakery yes ... she worked hard ... she passed it on down the generations ... honest, reliable ...

She is saying the speculation is just not believable at all. In her day she would have said something but it would have been out of place. There is so much which could be said but can't ... the dishonesty of the liars at the pri
nting mills defies belief ... he who protesteth too much ... it is so obvious from a distance that someone wills the public to believe the media ... but believe it not ... it is deceit and cruel deception. There is a snake crawling under the covers whilst the fox dances before the eyes ... something creeps with stealth confident of no detection. And when it is too late and it is seen ... it will bite ... so deadly there will be no cure. Be wary she says. Be wary all is not what it seems. The disappearance is being used by powerful places as an excuse ... nothing more .... distraction ... a cover to force something along which cannot be seen. This woman is Mary ...

The Devil imagery ... that much maligned trump. The guardian ... the only real thing to fear is fear itself. When we are fearful of something we always imagine the worst ... we almost always anticipate the situation and expect it to be as bad as we can imagine. Then it never is ... nothing is as bad as it seems. The Devil is an invention of the epitomy of the worst fears imaginable, concocted by the church to represent anything which was contrary or opposite to what it held in its doctrines ...

This situation is no different ... the Devil is the 'anything' which contradicts that which the media is insisting on publishing ... there is a real insistence that the only thing we must all consider is the fact Maddy is dead. Anything else is 'the devil' ....someone does not wish us to even consider Maddy is alive ... so obviously this someone somewhere knows that Maddy is indeed alive ... but wishes to rub salt in the wounds still further ... all part and parcel of this macabre 'initiation' ... poor Gerry & Kate.

Step back and see this for yourself ... and realise that someone somewhere is working on your fear ... hammering away at your blind faith ... at your resolve. Tainting your freewill with what he wishes you to believe. It is all part of the plot ... all part of the weaving ... there is a fragment of Hematite on The World image ... all of this stemmed from the spots of blood at the start of August. Something was either revealed or discovered back then ... which warrants this total blackout of all other possibilities. Don't give up on Maddy now ... not so close to the final furlong ... the final hurdle was almost crossed I sense ... then the track has been forced to change direction ... run a parallel course by the Charioteer ... in order for something to be kept hidden.

The Emperor beside the Star ... Gerry beside Maddy ... and to the right is the Maker of Staves ... some talent or skill of Gerry is wished or coverted by the hands of the Unicorn. Something discussed behind closed doors ... something planned ... the compromise of Gerry it appears ... some macabre initiation or rouse in order for Gerry to wander an intended path ... the consequence of a refusal (remember this is speculation perhaps only) ... is the worst case scenario of a charge of accidental death of Maddy ... pure speculation and circumstantial ... malevolent blackmail ... because there was no death or even an accident and Kate would be wrongly charged of something which was staged based on planted DNA evidence. Previous transcripts have touched on this. Gerry & Maddy have been pre-selected it seems for this very scenario ... something which links them other than daughter-father is the possible key it appears.

I sense however a period of closure approaching. The 10 of Spheres ... and the World ... the World indicates some meeting between the Lion, the Bull, The Eagle and some other undetermined person .. on the table before them the image of Maddy and other children ... communications and issues of concern to stem from this meeting. But where and when?

Most surely ... Maddy location is known by persons other than her custodians. She lives and breathes and eats and plays ... within sight of persons perhaps previously known to the McCanns ... known to perhaps Gerry's side of the family. Political issues ... environmental or even research connections from the past few years ... forgotten papers within a file within a filing cabinet ... the filing cabinet appears to be in almost a kitchen area because in front of it I see chessboard like linoleum. There seems almost a conservatory beyond ... a home office in a recess or a corner of a room ... plenty of papers out of place .. discarded and forgotten ... ??

I gain clear insights too of Maddy alive, playing in a garden with many roses in ornamental flower beds ... on a number of levels. Dark coloured cars are parked in a driveway ... I overhear someone mentioning arrangements to let Maddy be taken back home ... I sense too ... she will be sighted somewhere in the UK mainland ... unmistakably ... this time ... and this time the person who sees her will not go running to the news or to the law enforcement ... they will pass their proof silently by other means ... and then when an announcement comes ... it contradicts the latest corpse deceptions .. an announcement to be made ....

From out of the water something is raised ... but ... I sprinkle salt over my shoulder and I read another novel ... and I ignore the media over the coming weeks ... because it is the same old spin and the same old wild geese breaking from the trail ... I am quite relaxed with my continued insistence ... nothing has changed since the early part of May 2007 ... when I first clearly heard the word 'alive' spoken clairaudiently to me when I asked of Maddy's wellbeing ... nothing has changed since then ... and nothing will change from now until the day she is reunited with her parents alive.

'Dolly' called out her name. Mentions Bert and how close it is to the heart of it all. There is a glass conservatory where many sat and talked and drank ... and it is there that .... (withheld)