Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 14 October 2007

Dyce Stones; Aberdeenshire

Dyce is a recumbent circle which has survived to the present day in good condition, it has an alternative name of "Tyrebagger", which translates as "the land of acorns".

Including the flankers, ten circle stones survive with nine standing, these stones are of red granite and, as with many recumbent circles, are graded in height. The stones range from 1.3m at the north up to the 2.9m (east), and 3.4m (west), pillars flanking the 3.1m long recumbent.

The recumbent itself is quite tall and has a central "hump", it is of darker granite than the other stones, and has partially fallen inwards. Characteristic bulges in the circle interior could be the remnants of a ring-cairn.