Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 3 October 2007

The Enuma Elish

1. Apsu (male, fresh water) and Tiamat (female, sea water) mingle and engender Lahmu (male) and Lahamu (female) who are silt deposits as well as Anshar (rim of the sky) and Kishar (rim of the earth. Anshar and Kishar engender Anu (Sky) who in turn engenders Ea-Nudimmud (who ends up as the ruler of fresh waters. Ea’s wife is named Damkina. Ea is created in the image of his father Anu.

2. The younger gods disturb Apsu and Tiamat who prefer lack of activity. Apsu plans to kill them. The younger gods learn of Apsu’s plans. Ea puts Apsu to sleep and kills him, also capturing Apsu’s advisor/vizier Mummu. Ea builds his house on Apsu.

3. Marduk is born to Ea and Damkina. His has four ears and four eyes and is generally superior.

4. Anu creates the winds and streams which disturb Tiamat and some of the other gods. Some of the gods remind Tiamat that she failed to act when Ea killed Apsu and defeated Mummu.

5. Tiamat creates monsters to fight against her enemies. The chief of these is Kingu whom she makes commander-in-chief and her consort taking Apsu’s place. She gives him the Table of Destinies (possibly tablets containing the future).

6. Ea learns of Tiamat’s plans. Anshar sends Ea to defeat Tiamat. Ea fails. Anshar sends Anu to speak to Tiamat. Anu chickens out. Anshar asks Marduk to kill Tiamat. Marduk agrees so long as he will be made ruler over all the gods.

7. Marduk (Bel) kills Tiamat. When she opens her mouth to swallow him, Marduk sends in the winds to keep her jaws open. He shoots her heart with an arrow. Marduk then subdues her army and captures Kingu. Marduk takes the Tablet of Destinies.

8. Marduk splits Tiamat in half dividing the waters above from the waters below. He removes her eyes and the Tigris and Euphrates are formed. He puts the appropriate gods in their appropriate star sites. Earth is to be the mirror of heaven. Marduk is proclaimed King of the gods.

9. Marduk decides to create humans (lullu - barbarians, savages, aboriginal humans) to serve the gods. Ea and the other gods shape humans out of the blood of the executed Kingu.

10. Marduk and the other gods create Babylon and the great temple Esagila.

11. The Enuma Elish ends with a Hymn to the 50 Names of Marduk.