Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 1 October 2007

I do not believe in anything. I know what I know

Chaos Magick has its roots in every occult tradition and in the work of many individuals. To detail the methods of Chaos Magick would be spurious since they are adequately dealt with in available publications. It would be useful however, to point out a popular misconception which has been unintentionally fostered by people writing in specialist magazines. There has been some confusion about the word 'chaos', some writers believing the word to have been used in this context to express the techniques themselves.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Whilst it is correct that some modes of gnosis are effective because they confuse the ratio-cinative functions they ultimately lead to clarity and magicians involved in the Chaos current tend to be meticulous in the way they organise their programme of work.

The term "Chaos Magick" has been formulated to indicate the randomness of the universe and the individuals relationship with it. The antithesis of chaos, cosmos, is the universe suitably defined by the successful magician for his own purposes and that definition is under constant scrutiny and may be regularly changed. Chaos is expressive of this philosophy and reinforces the idea that there is no permanent model for the individual's relationship with everything that he is not. The word encompasses not only those things we know to be true but also what we suspect may be true as well as the world of impressions, paranoias and possibilities.

If there were anything such as a Chaos Credo it would run on the following lines: "I do not believe in anything. I know what I know (gnosis) and I postulate theories which may or may not enter my system of adopted beliefs when those theories have been tested".

"There are no gods or demons, except for those I have been conditioned into acknowledging and those I have created for myself. I create and destroy beliefs according to their usefulness. In the words of the wise 'nothing is true, everything is permitted' - provided it interferes with no-one."