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Sunday 7 October 2007

The Keeper of Weapons

The Servants of The Light Tarot by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki describes the Keeper of Weapons as 'We see a throne room with the tiled and chequered floor of a temple. On a raised dais are three thrones: the central one is occupied by the Maker of Weapons, on his left is the Giver of Weapons and on his right, the User of Weapons. Before them stands the keeper, holding in her hands the Prime Weapon, the sword of fire. To either side of her stands a pillar, each one topped by the Hebrew letter Shin. Salamanders, the spirits of fire, are twined around the pillars.

The Keeper holds the fiery sword easily, she is at one with its power and its fiery nature. She will hold it safely until it is needed again by the User. Such a weapon can be forged only once in an aeon, at the end of which it will be returned to its own element. The Keeper is also the holder of the bloodline; through her alone can the User become the King of what he defends.