Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 15 October 2007

Mayan Symbols

For over 3,000 years, Mayan symbols have long been a source of mystery and wonder.

The Maya were one of the few ancient civilizations to create their own writing system. Their symbols, or hieroglyphs are original to this Central Native American nation; most other civilizations borrowed from pre-existing systems of writing.

An American, John Lloyd Stephens, and an Englishman, Frederick Catherwood discovered the first Mayan symbols in 1839.

It was not until 1973 that the symbol meanings were discovered. This discovery lead to the understanding that these symbols could be used singly to illustrate a word, or small letter symbols could be used in conjunction to form a whole word.

No matter how much, or in truth how little, scholars, archeologists and scientist have discovered about the Mayan culture – there is still so much which is unknown about this culture. The Mayan ways are largely mysterious. Over 3,000 years later, we can try to piece together and understand the meanings of these ancient people.

Eagle (symbol above):
The eagle represents contemplative thought. When focused upon, this Mayan symbol assists in accessing inner wisdom. Known for its power of clarity – this symbol facilitates clear mental focus. After time, focus on the qualities of the eagle representative of the Mayan symbol will pave the way for higher, or even telepathic acuity.