Despite blanket CCTV coverage around the Ritz in Paris, Paul's movements in a period of fully 8 1/2 minutes cannot be accounted for. The hotel security chief left the building three times to speak to paparazzi before he drove Diana and Dodi away in a Mercedes limousine. And astonishingly, as the couple waited in a rear service exit for the car to arrive, Paul walked outside and waved across the road to two photographers they were actually trying to evade.
His strange conduct, highlighted by Mohamed Al Fayed's barrister Michael Mansfield QC on day three of the Diana inquest, can only add to conspiracy theories surrounding the crash. Questions have already been raised as to how the modestly-paid bachelor came to have £170,000 in his bank account and £1,200 in his pocket on the night he died.
Mr Al Fayed, whose business empire includes Harrods and the Paris Ritz, has accused his employee of being in the pay of French and British security services and part of an Establishment conspiracy masterminded by Prince Philip to murder his son and the princess.