Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Portuguese police: 'Traces of corpse found in McCanns' hire car'

Daily Mail Headline; says: ' The McCanns are facing new claims today that evidence of a decomposing body was found in their hired car.

Portuguese police sources allege forensic test results show "bodily fluid" from a corpse in the boot of the Renault Scenic rented by Kate and Gerry McCann 25 days after Madeleine went missing.

Sources in the Policia Judiciaria are also claiming that the evidence was found on the underside of a carpet, indicating that a body was deliberately hidden there. Police are understood to be waiting for further test results which may show whether the DNA belongs to Madeleine.

The allegations were dismissed by sources close to the McCanns as the latest smears in a campaign waged against the couple by elements in the Policia Judiciaria. Friends of the McCanns believe police have orchestrated damaging but false leaks in retribution for criticism of the way the search for Madeleine was conducted in the early days after she vanished on 3 May.

The source insisted there are "wholly innocent" explanations for any evidence that might have been found in the couple's car.

But a source close to Portuguese police said: "Police are waiting for the results to confirm the identity of the DNA.That is what these DNA tests may show and police are waiting for that. They are being told the fluids come from a dead body. These are bodily fluids that could only come from a corpse."

Officers are claiming the evidence was found on the underside of carpet in the boot, next to the space for the Renault's spare wheel.

Daily Merlin Insight (Servants of the Light tarot)
16th Oct 2007
10:15pm -

Forewarned is forearmed indeed. We are back to this again! It is no surprise especially in the light of the transcripts of the last few days. Someone somewhere is so eager to have the public believe Maddy is dead and that the McCanns are responsible. It has a resonance of bitter revenge. Of blackmail. Of malice. Someone somewhere has the links to press these buttons in an attempt to turn opinion totally against the McCanns. Well, this stronghold stands firm ... I see it from the outside looking in ... clearly someone presses the button whilst symbolically holding the hand of the little girl. A suited man with grey in his hair. One who walks within Whitehall from time to time observes and muses ... before journeying to elsewhere in the pleasant lands of the British Isles. He kisses his own kids and is all sweetness and light in that role ... until.... until he remembers then anger flares. I can sense it from this side of the world. Someone who has so much hatred ... so much revenge on his mind is the someone somewhere who can manipulate these events. He is ill of health. He is hellbent on pointing the finger .... this was sensed .... and even when the McCanns are cleared ... he will try to be ahead of the investigation ... turning and twisting all angles and all stories which are printed. He is atop of the pyramid below him his generals organise the busy worker bees to create this mayhem. This DNA and evidence is a set up .... staged .... planted ... created ... manufactured. False evidence... someone seems to attack Gerry McCann by stabbing at his very heart ... taking one thing so dear to him ... and trying to frame his wife for the apparent crime. This is something very 'brotherhood' indeed ... something which seems to exist behind those secretive doors. Something done ... has truly aggrieved a very powerful man indeed. Someone who is best not to be upset it seems ... the heart is the answer ... at the heart ... at the centre it seems ... a 'payback' ... that is what comes through so strongly. A faction opposed a faction ... and Gerry has been targetted perhaps?

It feels like Maddy has been hidden safe .. hidden from those agenices of this aggrieved someone somewhere. He and one of his factions perhaps wants Maddy in their possession ... ??? Maddy has been put somewhere safe ... where she cannot be found? And this someone somewhere is not best pleased .... this someone somewhere does not have Maddy? Is it perhaps possible the media falsehoods are generated to force the McCanns to believe that this someone somewhere now has Maddy ... or perhaps even force whoever looks after Maddy to reveal where Maddy is being kept ... so this someone somewhere can learn of her whereabouts.

The Giver of Crescents stands alongside The Empress in the working. The Empress is Kate McCann... implicated in the above media speculation. But who is the Giver of Crescents? At the base of the Empress image is more Fool's Gold ... standing like the root from which the tree is seen to grow. Branches stem ... reaching out to the Prime of Spheres, to the Giver of Crescents and towards the Chariot ... there is a branch to toward the man in the moon on the Giver of Crescents ... branches of influence and control they symbolise in this entire speculation. The crimson stone which rests in the aura of the Empress .... anger, frustration ... understandable reactions for someone who is forced to remain silent ... unable to defend herself against any of this speculation ... yet from all other angles of this 'tree' the speculation reigns freely.

At the very heart of the tree .. its roots ... its religion? I'm wary ... to go further with this speculation .. the religion of the tree of life? Those who point the finger ... those who create this speculation in the media world are familiar with the tree of life and its beliefs. It seems the entire thing is based on 'the fool' wandering around the tree ... it is a charade in their minds ... but one with real world implications.

In the image of the Giver of Crescents there is the robed man before the raging seas in which a female figure is seen to carry the crescent ... capturing the instructions from the man in the moon. This perhaps represents the continued media storm ... with the someone somewhere the robed man watching and controlling what is undertaken.

The Chariot again appears ... an elusive character indeed ... a battle is being fought but is it the battle it seems to be? It is a battle of wills ... and the it appears to be perfectly in line with the original plans except as the 7 of Crescents depicts from the drawing board into reality .. making it into a reality. Thus what was planned is now in full flow and it is truly Kate McCann who was singled out as the 'accused' but it truly does seem this stance was reached on the drawing board to get at one person ... Gerry ... he links with those of this tree ... and is the opposing pillar to the will of the Charioteer ... it was either 'join with us' or be damned in my view. This is the sense her of the disharmony and the chaos behind this case. The reason why all manner of religious, governmental and media power is involved here ... there is truly attrition ..

The speculation is indeed false and illusion ... it stems from the realm of the Moon ... the land of Yesod ... which is the land of illusion and fantasy .... it is said that he who wanders Yesod unchecked will remain in the land of illusion for a year and one day .. after which time he will return back to this realm of truth. Doubtless it will not be a year and one day before this mystery is solved ... that is mythology ... this mystery is a reality forged from a falsehood. A subterfuge to hide what is there underneath ... factions at loggerheads ... highly sensitive cargo exposed ... controversy not for the general public eyes or ears ... somehow Gerry & Kate McCann are caught fast in the middle ... at the heart ... at the centre .. something conceived ... which must relate again to Maddy ... something precious taken from them ... as a blackmail and to force their hand it seems