This is a card which implies discontentment with one's lot in life, no matter how good it really is. The sea-woam has three crescents with which to adorn herself, yet she still reaches 'for the moon', the one thing she cannot have. Her face displays her anger and frustration over this.
Sometimes we get bored with what we have and do not see that it is good, stable, and right for us. We want something else, usually something we can't have - and in turning our backs on the things we have got we risk losing them.
The card is a warning to look long and hard at what you have; think well before you risk losing it for something which may turn out to be a pipe dream. Alternatively of course, it can mean that you need to look round for something new, depending upon the other cards in the spread ...
In recent insights the Four of Crescents has become synominous with the elusive 'Dishevelled Woman' and her jealousy in the ongoing mystery. She is a cunning and secretive character deemed to be somewhere in the core of the instigation of the disappearance. Her motives appear to possess something which is not her own. Something perhaps at one time in her possession that she really craved, was maybe taken from her ... and through the motives behind the mystery are the anticipated steps to gain it back. The dishevelled woman has been deemed to be a successful business woman, not unaccustomed to treading on toes if necessary to further her cause and her success. She has been intuited as 'the sea-woman'. Enshrouded in the media world which deals with the tides of human emotions waxed and waned by the tabloid speculation. She is there within this ocean ... benefiting from the continued attention. She appears to carry crucial information and to comprehend clues that led to some kind of betrayal. Though she has perhaps been known as a friend by those who the sorrow has befallen on ... know her loyalty seems to lie elsewhere as she is devoted to the energy of power & wealth. She cannot be trusted therefore by anyone ...