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Tuesday 9 October 2007

Practical Tarot: Nothing In Particular


Daily Merlin Insight (Using Merlin Tarot)
Tuesday 9th October 2007
2.05pm - 2:55pm

"Using a blank canvas (for a change) with no specific focus ... no particular background on which to visualise. An insight on 'open channel' to see what is revealed ...."

Here is a blank canvas waiting to be painted. The blank pages of a book awaiting a script. Some unseen circumstance in which to intuit. Another story waiting to be told. The pattern making of each and every tarot working almost always has something to say, it is down to the magician to employ its arts of foresight and intuition in order to explain the meaning behind the shape and pattern presented by the tarot within the working.

Indeed, this one is no different at all. The central image ... that of the Page of Fishes is significant of the main character perhaps of the tale ... something emotional indicated by the shoreline scene around the character, something traumatic in recent times. The character carries its burden and it appears something still occurs in the current time. Or perhaps, something reoccurs or returns to the surface once more ... a fish is seen leaping out of the dish the character is holding. Within the aura of the character ... a fragment of illusion or delusion (the piece of Fool's Gold) remains on which her (for the character is gleaned to be a she) thoughts do still muse. There is worry, there is concern and it appears to link to someone close ... indicated by the green stone above the fool's gold. There is concern here.

The trail of crystals commencing from a point in front of her ... perhaps indicates the pathway ahead for her in the near future. We are speculating here because no real picture is forming. But a confrontation or key meeting is on the horizon in the days or weeks to come. Indicated by the speckled stone which has fallen on the Fool. A new direction or a new journey perhaps to commence after this meeting. The Fool is significant of the seeker ... a link also, perhaps during the meeting, with a contact signified by the 8 of Fishes ... a positive and optimistic connection by way the word 'humour' on the image. Two stones here perhaps indicate the contact is with a married couple or even a partnership. A key event to unfold ... culminating in the stone I deem as 'relating to the eye' ... a change of focus ... or a conclusion signified ... something dawns here perhaps growing in familiar signs?

The Fool image has the Moon adjacent to it within the working. The Fool seen to be asked by a trusted companion to trust ... to be brave and take that blind leap of faith ... go with the 'blind folly' ... go along a road which truly is not familiar to the Fool. A major change of direction perhaps .... something in contrast to that portrayed by the imagery of the Moon. There is perhaps the 'true picture' ... of which the path of the moon is the reflection ... being signified here. A bold move on the part of someone ... to go against the grain and act out of character ... on the grounds of a meeting with an unknown' someone and the advice perhaps given by this unknown someone.

At the top of the working we see the Queen of Serpents over the shoulder of the Page of Fishes. Perhaps the Page is the victim of something which the 'bitchy' Queen of Serpents has done. In the working, the position of the Queen of Serpents is not one to be trusted. She appears to ha been jealous or vengeful to towards the Page of Fishes. She appears to have stripped the Page of all her finery ... maybe the Page of Fishes was perhaps an equal to the queen at one time ... the result of something hateful has removed the rank of queen relegating her to the lower rank of Page. The horizon of the Page of Fishes image isn't clear therefore we cannot deduce this event. However, judging by the word promise on the '4 of Fishes' it seems the Queen of Serpents has acted out her 'threat'. Played her revenge. She holds the arrow in her hand ... she has the appearance of someone well used to 'attention', public scrutiny even. She is comfortable before the observer's eyes ... her demeanour is that of 'butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' ... like nobody would expect someone of her position to act like this outside of the public eye. She seems to have not been afraid of treading on people's toes to get what she wants. Even blackmail would be considered by her if it meant it was a means to an end.

Finally the Page of Serpents ... and the cluster of four stones which have fallen on the Page image within the working. By virtue of the same suit ... we can assume this character has a link to the Queen of Serpents. As possibly been 'bitten' by the charisma of this elusive character ... the rough green stone of 'painful experience' falls above the head of the Page. For page I feel we should read 'former Knight' as the same fate appears to have befallen this gentleman as the one which has befallen the Page of Fishes. Note it is the page who bears the stave which can be crafted into another arrow ... perhaps? The young dragon breathing fire in the foreground suggests this former Knight has a thing or two he could reveal about the Queen ... the small blue stone above the dragon suggests this communication is quite possible ... might there be blackmail here to keep the former Knight from divulging what he knows ... blackmail to prevent some sensitive material from ruining the reputation of the queen ... material which might lose the queen her stature. Might the Queen of Serpents and the Page of Fishes once have been friends? Close friends? Perhaps the Page of Fishes has had to relinquish her career due to recent circumstances?

The Warrior of Serpents has the red stone of anger and aggression on its image also a tiny sea shell. Always with this sea shell I hear the same thing ... 'she sells seashells on the sea shore' ... a link to the RP exercises I learnt many years ago whilst at an acting school. Thus the shell links to acting, to stage play and to all things associated with media and 'the world of the silver screen' ... thus all is not what it seems with the circumstances around the Page of Serpents and the Page of Fishes. Might these two in some way be related ... by marriage? Both victims of the Queen of Serpents. Might they both be frustrated by the events signified by the shell which is unfolding. Eager maybe to speak out about what they know about the Queen of Serpents? What might then be the 'security' that the Queen Of Serpent holds that keeps the two pages quiet? The arrow is significant of something for sure .....