The facts are:
1. The form absorbs and uses the waters in which it is immersed.
2. As a result in grows in strength.
The three injunctions are:
1. Let the magician go on building his form until its adequate potency is assured.
2. Then let the 'outer builders' cease from labour.
3. Let the 'inner builders' enter on their cycle.
In the process of thought-form building, the time came when the form had to be oriented in the right direction and set upon the proper path in order to carry out its creator's will and purpose. This takes place fairly early in the work and after the process of orientation the work of building proceeds, for the thought-form is not yet ready for an independent life.
There is a true analogy between the gestation period of an infant and that of a thought form. Birth is preceded by the 'breaking of the waters', and before the thought-form brings about the desired results on the physical plane there comes too a similar reaction; the waters of desire become so potent as to cause precipitation, and the consequent appearance of the desired form of expression.
The form absorbs and uses the substance wherein it is immersed. Our solar system is one many, and not the greatest. It constitutes a fragment of a greater whole. This greater whole, formed of seven parts (or seven solar systems) is itself immersed in the waters of space, is born of desire, and therefore a child of necessity.
Extract taken from 'A Treatise On White Magic' by Alice.A.Bailey