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Thursday, 4 October 2007

Talks With Shadows

Much of the transcripts published in A Light in the Darkness are predominately Tarot & Rune orientated. For many the use of 'divination aids' is considered a lesser art to the direct communication of the medium ...

Many of the insights covered by the transcripts are also journals of the information received by way of mediumistic communications. I have been mediumistic for most of my life ... and have favoured the use of Tarot only when there is a need to 'illustrate' the information I have received.

In the early days of 'professional consultations' (the posh term for readings) I would rarely have anything on the table before me. I always tended to pass the information received by direct voice on to my clients. This was okay for the majority of people, but there was always one or two who could not accept the information because there was nothing on the table for me to have gotten the information from. These folk were more accustomed to tarot readings and were not comfortable with a sitting from a medium.

Therefore I changed the format of my 'professional consultations' to incorporate a spread of Tarot on my table. Over the years I've developed a system where mediumistic communications are part and parcel of the consultation.

Often, at the venues Kristine & myself used to organise around the UK, I would have a 'stand up medium' spot where I would demonstrate my mediumship to the visitors at our venues. I was almost always blunt and to the point. Always saying what was needed to be said; not necessarily saying what people wanted to be said. The same can be said of the mediumistic communications within my consultations.

There were numerous occasions where the audience would look at me blankly amid a nervous silence, because the information I'd provided could not be taken at that moment. On those occasions I would almost always go 'bottom line' and insist that the information was indeed correct. Its hard to explain, but when you know something given is correct it reverberates through your entire being as an overwhelming feeling that it is right. You can't shake the feeling off no matter how much the audience refuses to take the information. (It is a totally different feeling to when duff information has been given which you actually know before you give it out, that it is indeed wrong. )

After going bottom line and still insisting that information has been given correctly, I would almost always get some poor embarrassed soul putting up their hand and admitting the information was correct. Or they would wander over to me after the demonstration to let me know I had indeed been correct.

The information received in the early transcripts is a perfect example of this scenario. The transcripts are a symbolic representation, in some ways, of me standing before the audience having said something very profound, very controversial ... my entire being resonates in the same familiar way. There is a stony silence from many quarters ... as the information 'she is still alive' is met with disbelief. This is par for the course with me and I remain undaunted. Unaffected by all the recent media speculation. Constant 'requests' by myself to numerous friends and family members who now reside in the spirit world have not received any information that contradicts this early stance. Indeed, not one of my 'trusted' contacts have found Madeleine McCann in the spirit world. The bulk of my contacts confirm that Maddy is still on the earth plane. These contacts include of course The Two Old Dears ... one of which is a rather famous Medium who I had the pleasure of 'pulling through' for one of her family members ... who came to me for a reading. This person did not divulge who she was related to. I had no idea until this 'old dear' let herself be known to me and then provided me with undeniable proof she was who she said she was.

The rest is history they say. I remain undaunted and positive. Many years ago when I first started out in the occult world I heard a name whispered to my left ... 'talks with shadows' ... at the time I demanded to know who this referred to ... the answer became quite obvious by the way it was given. Somewhere out there ... some entity had provided me with this name ... it was me they were calling 'Talks With Shadows'. I've always considered the name quite personal to me and very apt in the circumstances. I see shadows wander around rooms, and I can often communicate with them. However, being the constant skeptic I will always question the information which is provided to me by way of 'direct voice'; I mean after all ... it could just be a voice of my overactive imagination speaking in my head. Many of my friends were unwitting guinea pigs in those early days ... as I sought the confirmation that 'the proof' I heard by way of 'direct voice' was indeed correct.

There have be many instances over the last few months of me receiving information in this old familiar way. Direct voice communication whilst I've been receiving insights into the situation. Many of these communications have been incorporated into the transcripts .... which will possibly give the impression that all the information has been 'received' via the tarot spread. I recognise the confusion this may create ... but, the transcripts are merely a representation of my own inimitable way of gathering insights which are methods that have 'evolved' over the last twenty or so years ... I acknowledge that information all comes from the same source anyway.

Psychic and clairvoyant and medium links I treat the same ... I do not pigeon hole information ... 'that was received by me clairvoyantly' or I was working as a psychic when I got that information ... my art in truth is best termed 'Intuitive Mediation' .... most of the time I receive that the information I do not question the link as I have a 'working relationship' with the communicators from 'the other world' ... I don't need to know who it is coming from ... unless there is a real need to know. Then one of communicating awarenesses will seperate themselves from the link and let themselves be known to me.

This method works best for me ... but it might not necessarily work for others. We all work differently ... all working towards the same goal via different paths.