Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 8 October 2007

There is a place ....

.... which is such a magical and enchanting place to visit. It has been such a long time since I made that climb up the side of that magical hill in the fading light; to the left side of the path which meanders up to the summit of the Tor.

I miss that magical sojourn I once did take. Along the side of the tor with the Chapel somewhere to my right. Its countenance now hidden in the shadows ... adding to the growing mysteries which surrounded me there.

From memory I would walk that way. Towards the spot where the cavern permitted ingress to part way inside the tor. Close by to there is was my own special place. My sacred grove within the cover of magical trees who's roots penetrated the mysteries of the magical tor.

Often I would sit there in the growing night, totally at peace. Spellbound by the magical resonance of that place. Alone ... a sole traveller from the world of man ... transported then to an ancient .... forgotten place ... where shades would converse with me. I would safely spend the night there ... within the confines of my sacred space. Venturing along the roots which stretched deep into the earth ... deep, deep down into the wisdom of the past ....

Towards the hidden secret of Caer Wydr ... the subterranean City ... I would creep. My spirit wandering those long forgotten streets ... absorbing the energies of a forgotten age ...

Recently, my spirit has projected me to there once more. In previous nights I have found myself making that journey once more. Within my sacred grove I would find myself. With touch, with sight, with smell, with taste and with hearing. Beside me I would see others sitting .... presences I have beheld before. Magical smiles would face me .... would calm me. Would enchant me ... would provide me with wondrous dreams .... remnants of ancient races. The slightly built children of the Faerie ... the Sidhe ... would be there with me. Phantoms of my own imagination perhaps ... it matters not.

The memories of those 'dreams' remain. Their essences I have retained within my mind. Vivid memories of that wondrous place I have not seen in so long ...