Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 24 October 2007

"Time In Short Supply"

I need to write more. Less of the Scribe and more of the magical journal. More of those theorisms of my own. More insights into my own brand of magick ... more on how I arrive at the insights that I do ... how I convert the raw 'mediated' material into the information I divulge in communications. I need to write more ... I am very much aware.

But spare time is at such a premium for me at this part of my journey through life. Only the most basic of magical ritual and principles can be adhered in the present ... and of course A Light In The Darkness; this takes up the time to.

Thus, I find there is so little spare time left over ... after travelling to and from work; after work itself; after family life ... there is only so much time to be stretched so far. Like the membrane on the drum ... and the resonance keeps changing the more it is pulled tighter ... deeper and deeper the tone .... like distant thunder time sounds for me these days.

With so little creative expression. So few illustrations drawn in recent times. No prosody or rhyme or paragraph has been penned in such a while. Thus I am only able to like the scribe in recent weeks. Finding the paragraphs of others on those things encountered on this Occult Journey. Not all ... or in truth so little few ... views I fully adhere to. I have inimitable viewpoints of my own to discuss and reveal ... but only when I am able to find the time.

Time is in short supply. Rituals discarded. Methods put to one side for the cameo appearances. Existence moves on and I adapt once more to another backcloth around me. But it is merely transitional. I ask life to bear with me ... as my reality adapts to the one I have created in inner rituals. Thus things take time to reach the visualisation we call life. I hang on with scant surviving strands of the old as the new cruises in.

My own explanations and insights are prepared in my mind. They are already written on the inner planes ... I need now to find the space in my busy routine to commence that intuitive dictation. Plus I must also harness the new directives with regard to the Daily Merlin ... other issues require coverage. More insights of a practical nature to drive me on ....

I know exciting times are ahead as I cross the great sea once more ... into the world of mortal perception. I bring thus my findings down from symbol to word ... from mind to hand to screen ... opinions of my own to light up the darkness ... in time.