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Friday 19 October 2007

'The Tower Of Cards'? (Daily Merlin Insight 19/10/07)

Daily Merlin (Using Navigators of The Mystic Sea tarot)
Friday 19th October 2007
10:25pm - 11:20pm

'Insights based on another open channel. Focussing on the continuing mystery in general; the apparent search being undertaken in Portugal ... and all the loose ends which are conveniently 'forgotten' ... insights to attempt to make sense of the big picture to it all'

The Crystal casting appears to indicate the pattern of a 'tower of playing cards' ... with the lower tiers not yet fitting into the plan. Something gathering shape and momentum. Interesting there is the 'great pyramid' of the design with smaller pyramid 'compartments' fitting into it .... organisations within a much larger organisation controlling the situation.

Centrally there is the Knight of Swords ... the word 'penetration' more wisely perhaps 'infiltration' ... perhaps we can perceive that the Knight of Swords is someone who works in one of the smaller pyramids who has somehow been able to infiltrate, or grow in stature to be able to break the 'lines in the sand' which designate the boundaries between these compartments? See how the knight's head is seen to be above the base line of the upper tier compartment?Is this what this is all about ... someone who has been able to infiltrate another compartment of the pyramid hierarchy ... learning of things he is not meant to know about? Hence the albatross seen to be flying above his head? Is this all then about a 'vengeful punishment' for penetrating this next level of initiation or degree ... without having done it in accordance with tradition and protocol? The 8 of Swords suggests opposition indeed from other knights of 'the sword' ... the knight having to watch his back having made some powerful enemies? Because of loyality therefore ... he will also have other powerful allies ... allies due to the underwritten bond of the lodge, are bound to help in anyway they can .. regardless of there opinion on the matter of this knight crossing over the line. The consequences of this could have far reaching effects which cross the boundaries of countries and religion.

The 9 of Cups draws us back to the night of the 3rd of May ... and events preceding that night ... perhaps the number nine relates to a period of 9 weeks prior to that night. This suggests something of significance occurred during these weeks ... whereabouts and events that only 'the knight' in question would understand. Without his input it is impossible here to publish anything other than 'speculation' but something key took place in the period between August 2006 and May 2007 that has sparked off these events. Between the 9 of Cups and the Knight of Swords are two stones ... a small blue and a pink stone ... hinting at communications received and discussed relating to the family member symbolised by the pink stone (Maddy?). Something significant can surely be remembered. In this secretive world even the smallest thing can spark off huge deflections. Maddy appears to be have been singled out as a figurehead for 'a great work' ... a covert 'dirty linen' and 'trojan horse' campaign by the unseen knights within this pyramid organisation. Something resulted in Maddy being the one chosen for the 'event' .. her eye key to the 'ergon' of this working. This appears to be quite clear ... however judging by the imperfect pattern of the tower of cards it appears not to have gone according to plan ...

Note, the Queen of Cups ... she is equal to the User of Crescents in other trumps ... the dishevelled woman once again ... the word 'fascination' and perhaps 'obsession' with Madeleine ... someone somewhere ... a female who has a powerful ranking in the organisation ... was aware of Maddy's significance perhaps? Initially or after it was decreed it would be Maddy?

The Ten of Wands and the Ten of Swords ... the peak of the pyramid pattern falls around these two cards ... thus the number 10 or '2 x10' and the words 'oppression' and 'destitution' appear significant ... it seems someone somewhere atop the pyramid did not like the way things appeared in the world ... felt concerned by the progress of plans put into action. The wheel not turning at the speed they wished ... maybe? Hey presto like magic an event was decreed that would turn the focus on matters which can perhaps act like stepping stones ... sway public opinion perhaps by way of the media ... force speculation and the pied piper can then lead the children by the hand, trusted by their parents ... but for what? But why? It seems the stepping stones can only lead to 'ruination for all who follow these plans ... the Ten of Swords shows a tower in ruins atop the summit where these stepping stones are leading .... once the steps are taken their can be no more going back ... more loss of freedom and freewill ... and more control perhaps by those atop the pyramid?

Methinks this should be added to 'the sceptics corner' for this sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory does it not? It is however 'the story' painted by this pattern of images ... it seems that someone somewhere IS playing a hidden hand with a hidden agenda here ... and stepping stones are here ... reliant on the media speculation convincing enough people ... lead them by the hand along the path of the moon ... there is a deliberate attempt to mislead people ... for more than just selling more papers; and for more than false accusations aimed at parents of a little girl who has simply just disappeared. Kate and Gerry & their families are the victims here. Scapegoats for something deliberately planned by powerful people. However, there is something key that assigned Maddy as the 'figurehead' and the McCanns as the accused ... it is something more than her significant eye ... something more than the McCanns' powerful connections ....

The Strength card is an indication of the omnipresence this situation now demands all around the world (maybe not all around the world as there is naff all here in the news or papers!) . This is not by accident. It is by clever design. The card indicates cunning and stealth by a woman who 'controls' the serpents and who stands before the 'Lion' and the snarling predator. ... the situation grabbing the necessitated reaction ... the scene is set, the actors are on the stage ... continuing the stage play ... it is not over yet ... the Strength image seems to clearly indicate ... the woman holds a flaming implement aloft ... perhaps the Flaming Sword itself ... like it will be gleaned to be her intervention that 'brings Maddy back' ... (withheld section) .................. When Maddy returns safe (which she will) ... what will be unearthed I wonder?