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Tuesday 18 December 2007

Belenus 'The Shinng One'

Belenus meaning 'bright' or 'brilliant', refers to the Continental Sun-God of the Celts. He is also a healer and associated with healing spings and the healing power of the Sun. The fire festival Beltene is probably related to Belenus. He is Cognate with the Roman god Apollo, their prime Solar deity and also a healer. Often refered to as Apollo-Belenus, pre-Roman inscriptions are known.

Belenus is the Gaulish/Celtic god of light, and referred to as 'The Shining One'. His cult spread from northern Italy to southern Gaul and Britain. Belenus is in charge of the welfare of sheep and cattle. His wife is the goddess Belisama. They can be compared with the continental Apollo and Minerva, but Belenus can also be identified with the Irish god Bile. His festival is Beltine ("Fire of Bel"), celebrated on May 1. On this day, purifying fires were lit and cattle driven between them before being allowed out onto the open pastures.