Using Servants of the Light tarot
10:25pm - 11:25pm
'Insights based on an open channel type working. A focus on the the situation in general .... using a media release of "The Emperor" & "The Empress"'
The Emperor and the Empress images were added prior to the commencement of the working.
Commencing thus with the 'cyclic' pattern of the 10 crystals which were chosen from the deepest recesses of the pouch (the collective subconscious of the situation) ....

#1: MM and the life ahead of her:
#2: White Trust (above the crown chakra of the empress);
#3: Fool's Gold (over the left hand of the empress);
#4: Turquoise protection:
#5: Anger and frustration:
#6: White trust:
#7: Amazonite: 'The Delver":
#8: Black/grey 'stabilising':
#9: Lilac Intuition"
#10: Light Green ' the burden at the emperor's feet.
In the direction of The Emperor's gaze ... which is looking away from The Empress ... is the elusive locality of the 8 of Weapons. Below him the image of the Keeper of Weapons is seen holding the Flaming Sword ... what if The Emperor is perhaps The Keeper of Weapons ... the bearer of some information or insight which jeapodised the safety of the Flaming Sword? Might he be seen as a threat to some court or some organisation? Might then he have to be compromised? Perhaps the Keeper of Weapons links with crystal #10 at the feet of the Emperor? Perhaps only speculation at this late stage. But it appears The Emperor has his own intuition now awakened ... his curiosity perhaps sparked him into his own investigations ... his own steps lead him now towards comprehending who and why? Might then the media fingers be pointed towards him once more in the coming weeks as someone somewhere feels the heat in the kitchen going up several degrees?
The Maker of Crescents stands close by to the Keeper ... creating thus the image of the crescent out of the image of the moon. Gaining advice from someone higher ... thus the media bandwagon may still sail its ocean going vessel over the seas of human emotions to keep the journey of the Emperor hidden ...?
The Empress appears to look toward the Keeper of Weapons. Most surely she will be aware of issues of the past which caused the ripples leading to the mystery. Most surely the Maker of Weapons to her left is the conception of MM ... the forging of the Flaming Sword ... The Empress is much stronger now ... and more confident in her daily life. There is a strong element of trust in her aura ... the crystal Turquoise ... the protection which is around her. The overall feeling here is safety at this moment in time. There is no element of risk in any of the 'delving' which is taking place at this time .... the Fool's Gold ... a tiny fragment ... indicates the Empress is not quite in the clear as yet ...
The cyclic nature of the crystals ... suggests some clear picture has formed ... discussions and meetings ... documentation ... and the piecing together of tracks taken by someone under surveillance. It seems the Emperor and the Empress are able to discern a clear picture to the mystery perhaps at last.
The 5 of Weapons and the 6 of Weapons ... the custodian of MM perhaps ... MM taken from 'behind their backs' ... that someone somewhere certainly not of the 'ilk' which the media speculation has described ... the 5 of Weapons points of the swords suggesting a pre determined deed and not a spur of the moment decision. The action of taking MM pointed towards the Emperor as some kind of statement or act of 'revenge'???