Using Navigators of the Mystic Sea
10:25pm - 11:10pm
'Insights relating to the likely circumstances around 'the Shining Star'.
The image of The Star has been placed on the table prior to commencing the working.

An item of synchronicity of worth perhaps relating to the insight. Upon commencing the working I noted my fingers were stained with a water based dye from the incense sticks lit prior to the working. Nothing perhaps the uninitiated would ask ... but within the confines of any magical working, all occurrences are noted and taken as a symbolic indication of worse. Might therefore a water based dye have been applied to Madeleine's hair? Perhaps the synchronicity is the fact there was water based dye on the hands of one of the perpetrators after the process of temporarily changing Madeleine's hair colouring?
Madeleine appears to be flanked by a group of six other companions. Maybe on the move. Her hair changed temporarily to disguise her ... it seems necessary at this time. One of the six is signified by the blue stone of the throat and of communication. Only one of the six appears to be 'speaking' or communicating wherever it is they are travelling through. Perhaps only one is a local to the country ... or only one is able to speak the language of the country they travel through? The risk is brief ... a relatively short length of time. Within the group of stones there is a significator coloured pink ... that of a mother ... a woman ... there is also a lilac stone which is a sensitive soul ... either a woman or a gentle male ... it is hard to determine ... but both of these care for the wellbeing of the little girl. Only one of the six appears to be 'aggressive' ... most certainly a male. Wary and watchful .. perhaps linked in some way to an intelligence agency or a law enforcement agency? A mercenary perhaps? Or someone currently 'off duty'?? The remaining two are somewhat taciturn and deep in thought. I am not sure if they approve of ths situation. I sense they could be 'of the cloth' ... priests perhaps?
The overall sense of the working is of 'sow hay whilst the sun shining' ... the coast has been made clear ... it has become crucial now to be linked with other areas of the entire operation. The 6 of Staves indicates key elements have now taken place ... the 5 of Staves is the tensions and the conflicts now reversed ... that 'reason' has now been dismissed ... linked it appears to the current 'silent running' ... observations from a safe distance.
The Giver of Staves and the 3 of Spheres relate to a spokesman and the reported media speculation. They stand now in a diagonal relationship now to what it occurring elsewhere. They are on the end squares of the chessboard. Moved there out of the way ... the Knights of both 'sides' no longer occupying their home square. Both seem now surplus to requirement. Put out of harms way in case they are needed once more .... the rough green stone to the right of the Giver of Staves is the 'emotional' burden once carried by the Giver which has now been discarded perhaps? Does this mean the spokesperson is fast approaching the end of his tenure? The small green stone ... on the image indicates perhaps that he now has only a small part to play in the remainder of this stiuation.
The 4 of Staves is good health and recovery in the approaching future for the Star. She will recover very well from her ordeal. I noted the intuition gained from an image of Madeleine during this working ... I clearly heard 'she will put all of this behind her ... and when the time is right will write of her 'ordeal' .. that which she can remember .... and it will be during a time she comes into the spotlight again ... many years later. There will be a media obsession with her during the first month of her return ... but gradually human decency prevails and she will be permitted to fade into the background of a normal life .... though at school other children will always see her as being special.
The 8 of Crescents ... the grand master dressed in black ... embarking on a new road ahead. Passing on his tenure to someone else ... leaving it all now behind. Instructing those below him in his empire to change their tact. It's served its purpose now ... it appears almost time for the star to be seen most surely shining ... the 5 of Spheres reversed indicates a time fast approaching which is a time of 'something opposite to despair' ....
The 7 of Crescents ... making the dream a reality ... all that which had been planned in the past perhaps now has taken place ... including the 'abduction' of Madeleine ... which was most certainly planned and all which has followed since. Carefully worked out and executed every pitch and turn. There are exceptional circumstances unforeseen however ... hence the enduring nature of the mystery ... upon the drawing board it was not possible it appears to accurately say how long it would take for all the 'flags to be flying' ... for all the agree unanimously with what is required of the mystery ... once thing which does appear to be almost a certainty ... the safe return of the shining star was also written into the itinerary ... it appears now to be the only thing left not ticked off and carried out as per the plans ... ???