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Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Magic & The Seven Rays Part 1

Astrology is the recognition of planetary forces that determine our reality. Magic is the manipulation of these same forces in order to alter our reality. And alchemy is the fusion of the two: an alchemist works from the physical plane upwards, just as the magician works from the highest plane downwards, and astrology governs both their actions, both have to abide by its laws, as well as their own.

To wield the power of God and truly become God is the next and most daunting task for Humans on the road to spiritual freedom and evolution. This is the ability to use angles in the name of God, to anticipate God's Will and to act as God's instrument on Earth, with complete conscious awareness of what this involves.

This can only be done from the level above angles, the Second Plane of pure consciousness, where godman becomes one of the true servers our planet, and aligns himself with the Hierarchy, the second esoteric centre of Earth. To do this, a person HAS TO IDENTIFY HIMSELF WITH HIS SOUL RAY. And the way to this spiritual goal is through initiation and magic.

The Human magician works as a centre between the forces of the gods operating through the Stellar Zodiac, and the forces of the Devas working through the Earth Zodiac. These are the First and Third Cosmic centres, and the magician takes on the role of the Second Cosmic centre, as do the Hierarchy on this planet.

To accomplish this he has to connect with the energies which naturally flow through his highest three centres, and channel their energies through his Heart Centre to deploy the angles of his Personality working through his lower centres in his quest to use his individual Ray energy for the benefit of all.

What is magic? In the light of the ideas presented here we can define magic as the power of man acting as God to affect change in the angular structure of our planet, by aligning his will with God's Will.

So, whereas astrology is the recognition of angles and how their energies are applied at a particular time and place, magic is the manipulation of angles. As magic is the practical use of energies not yet recognised by science, it can have many positive uses like healing as much as for sorcery.

Magic is important because it is the natural successor to astrology: just as astrology is the science of interpreting the current angles, magic is the means of manipulating those same angles. This is accomplished by becoming an angle, and acting subjectively as an angle would act by assuming the form of a spirit or god.

In ritual magic, the aspirant takes on the role of the godform he has invoked by becoming subjectively involved in the ritual, and acting so convincingly he actually becomes the invoked angle. It is for this reason that magic must be associated with the Fourth level of the Etheric, man's next awareness level ~ through magic man can learn to become what he is destined to become anyway, a subjective form of the angles he is composed of. He will invoke angles and use their energy subjectively to create new forms through the application of his love and pure conscious energy, and this will be accomplished under the direction of his true and holy will.