With the slings and arrows of age also come blessings: Knowing to choose silence over speech. Comprehension of honor. The sincere enjoyment of life. The sage, representing the pinnacle of masculine wisdom, is the man who has come to embody these blessings. Glowing with the light of inner strength, his face may be that of the kindly grandfather, Father Time, or the Old Man of the Mountain searching for understanding. The sage, whose potential exists in all people, is a councilor, a quiet leader, a wise man, and more. Yet, for all his authority, he never loses himself.
Though the sage consciously steps away from the fickle fancies of society, he continues to live, detached and serene, in harmony with the natural rhythms of life. His retreat from the hustle and bustle is natural, occurring because he has aged beyond the need to strive for self-centered ambition. The sage is immersed in contemplation of his own inner landscapes and the world of the spirit. Thus, he is a wise teacher as well as a shaman, willing to give of his immense store of knowledge, and patient and careful in his judgment. Without the fear of failure of youth, the sage philosophizes, constantly learning, deepening his awareness and letting his understanding of reality grow.
The transition to sagehood is a winding road, particularly in the modern world where age isn't as respected as it was in the past. Embracing the role of sage takes courage for, while he avoids being immersed in society, the sage actively opposes delusion and fakery. His wisdom remains indispensable.
But it is not simply the acquired years that make one a sage. Sagehood comes only to those open-minded enough to see the myriad connections and consequences between all beings and things. As we age, and develop intense patience, compassion, untainted curiosity, and child-like innocence, we manifest the wisdom of the sage. Though ever-humble, a true sage lives a life overflowing with richness and rests satisfied with his position, teaching and learning until the end of his days.
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