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Wednesday 22 August 2018

A Live Studio Psychic's Debrief

Having worked as a live studio 'psychic' since around 2012, I can report it is both a daunting and satisfying experience.

It began as a few appearances on the second phase of a late night TV show and those early days were nerve racking to say the least. The naivety I had then, with regard to the show, put me in a vulnerable place when it came to the jealousy and envy of some of the other show participants.

After an absence of around 10 months, I reluctantly agreed to re-appear back on the revamped version of the show. There was a different set of presenters, and a different attitude towards me. My nervousness gave way to excitement; the daring nature of the show worked well with my ability to link consistently, and convincingly, to viewers via text, voice and picture messaging. More often than not I would receive confirmations from viewers during the show, or on the next show I was on.

I dared to take the risks on live TV; to make predictions; to be adamant about names and facts and conditions. It earned me an ardent following and a great respect from the presenters and some of the psychics. The old jealousy thing was still there ... some psychics refusing to be on the show with me etc etc. I cared not ... I was doing the show for the right reasons. The reasons being to help the viewers who were sending in their messages to me ... asking for help.

The show went through a series of changes with ownership and moved studios a couple of times when I was on it. Then, like all good things it came to an end, I made my last appearance in February 2017 .... I was happy to leave at that time; I'd done all I could to rise to the challenge; to overcome the seeming impossible and prove to heaps of skeptics that you can be honest and genuine and real on a live TV show. Sadly I was one of the few (Less than 5%) on the show who were genuine and real; and were able to really link with the viewers. The remainder were unfortunately very generic with their readings; all very much clones of each other ... and not prepared to take the risks that I so readily and willingly took.