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Tuesday 28 August 2018

A Word on Binah

Binah, Hebrew BINH, “understanding,” is the third Sephirah of the Kabbalah Tree of Life and the highest Sephirah of the Pillar of Serenity. Binah is the primary feminine power on the tree, associated with Aima Elohim the Divine Mother, and its symbols include the sea and the womb.

Text from the Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom corresponding to this Sephirah: “The Third Path is called the Sanctifying Intelligence; it is the foundation of Primordial Wisdom; it is called the creator faith, and its roots are in Amen. It is the parent of faith, and from its virtues faith emanates.” Binah, the intelligence of God, reflects the unity, Kether, and the wisdom, Chokmah, of God, which are not able to be seen by themselves. In other words, Binah mirrors or reflects God’s unity and wisdom. In Chokmah the wisdom of God is still concealed or hidden, but through Binah it becomes illuminated, and intelligible. It is only through Binah that the Divine ontological wisdom is discerned and qualitatively determined, and the channeled through the seven cosmological principles so to enter the creative more>>>...