Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 23 August 2018

'Being Multi-Dimensional & The Power Of Free Thinking'

Most mystics will tell you we are 'multi-dimensional beings', but few will really be able to explain exactly what that means. To the average armchair human; perhaps the skeptical minded with regarded to the occult matters; will dismiss any concept of more than one dimensional. They will only see us as 'mono-dimensional' - earth bound and leave it at that.

Whereas, the hardy explorer of our true identity, and our true nature, will fully comprehend the term 'multi-dimensional' because after all the strongest dimensional energy in the universe is the power of thought. Everything we see around us is what is called 'thought form energy'. It has been perceived by thinking. Our minds are constantly thinking; and we explore the passageways and directions our thoughts take us. Every second of every day; unless you are careful to harness your thoughts and utilise mindfulness; you will be thinking of one thing or another. Those thoughts are creating dimensions in which you explore possibilities.

Controlled thoughts, known as creative visualisation, contemplation, dream control, all form dimensions that have been purposely formed so someone can explore the intended possibilities they've set out with those thoughts. The experienced mystic will find themselves literally in these dimensions in solid form similar to the experience we have on earth.

What people don't realise when they think ... they create a dimension and in that dimension they are encapsulated in a form that permits them to venture through that dimension. They dismiss their split second thinking as nothing; but those thoughts create perpetual dimensions. When we constantly think about the same thing over and over again, we equip our thoughts with a thought form or servitor that explores the vibrations that respond to those thoughts. Experiences and memories within our multi-dimensional self that are of the same vibration will surface in our mind field and we find ourselves trapped with the same thinking patterns ....

To be multi-dimensional means that as a free thinking consciousness we are creating our own universes and worlds within ourselves. Sometimes we daydream and enter those worlds ...