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Monday 1 October 2018

Month 10 in a 12 Month Cycle

So here we are in another new month; month 10 in a 12 month cycle. Human life segregated in cycles as part of the machine consciousness it is. The computer consciousness. Humans little more than slaves in an artificial environment.

60 seconds in a minute; 60 minutes in an hour; 24 hours in 1 day; 365 days in one year .... we all live by these segments. Four seasons in a year. It's a damn computer simulation that we are witnessing. But how many observing spirits have actually realised that?

How many are captured by the artificial rapture and really believe this is all there is? There are terrible lives to be lived, yes; the starving; the abused; the raped; the murdered; the tortured; and it is bound to feel real when you are in some of those terrible scenarios; but it is all computer simulation by a very advanced quantum computer.

But it is not all there is. But whilst we observe this world, we sadly have to abide by its cruel rules. So here were are in October 2018; one month away from A Light In The Darkness being 12 years old. It's been seemingly forever we've been adding posts! Okay, a bit of news, October 2018 is not going to have its usual proliferation of posts; we're having a bit of a break for two weeks so it will go quiet for a while. In that two weeks we'll post if and when we can ....