It's actually very interesting following all the conspiracy and fake news trails. I have plenty of rock salt to break up and sprinkle from time to time (Think about it!) ... as so much of the stuff I read, and publish on here, is questionable. Well, I question it anyway. The shape and feel of current reality doesn't match the life design I've carried since I was a child. So to me things are not as we are being told ... not one bit.
Something of great interest to me caught my eye during my explorations of the 'great sea https//www' ... something close to my heart and something that irritated me somewhat.
As many who have followed the blog through its various stages will know, I've been a 'professional' clairvoyant and medium since 1986 (A long time). I've never faked any sittings or seance or made any claims I cannot prove. I've never cheated anyone ... when I've not been able to get any information I've let clients know ... it's impossible to 'read' everyone and you have to be in the right state of mind to do it. I've thousands of satisfied clients ... and very few unhappy ones. In my time there are probably only a dozen or so people I've never been able to get information for. I've been very consistent with my information; and apparently VERY accurate.
So when I started reading a site run by a total SKEPTIC; but a malicious and sadistic one ... and discovered posts that stated that 100% of psychic readings, seances and mediumship demonstrations are cold readings and faked; that information is always gained beforehand and the medium pretends to connect ... I was a little bit annoyed. This skeptic could prove 100% everything is false ... that is some claim. It's so obviously wrong ... but its sad that there are maniacs like this out there who are scam artists themselves making claims that they cannot substantiate because that means ever since the dawn of man, any connection with the spiritual world is a 100% fake according to this moron. It's a very wild claim in other words?
Yes, there are charlatans and there are scam artists out there ... but there are also mediums and psychics out in the world who this skeptic has never met or witnessed in action who can prove without a shadow of a doubt that human beings converse with other dimensions.
In the light of censorship being kicked into gear, sites like that of this crazy skeptic should be included in the shutdowns in my opinion. Its downright dangerous to make such wild and unfounded claims based on witnessing such a small and selective percentage of something that is out there and has always been out there.
So, in summing up what I've witnessed today on the internet, I would say this world is really mucked up with all the information mixed in with disinformation out there. How is it possible to know what is the truth with so many false trails out there? And that is clearly by design? Agencies have been employed to lay down the very false trails that are now being questioned, and potentially censored. It is most certainly a disinformation highway out there ...
And because of that how do you know what you think you know is the truth? How do you know what you think is your own thoughts? How do you know what you see is what is really there? We are being bombarded, apparently, with constant EMR frequencies up in the 450+ GHz ranges that are totally screwing up our perception of reality. Our emotions and thought processes are being tampered with daily. And if that is true ... how do we know what we are doing now is by choice or by design?
It is a difficult time to be 'alive'. Dangerous times as my late mentor once said to me. But we've made it this far; its perhaps best to see where it leads us ... as we only die at the end of it. Perhaps to be recycled back into the mix at a late date.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.