[Natural News]: While the rest of the country is advancing towards medical tyranny, legislators from the Lone Star State are working to preserve health freedom. State lawmakers have put forth multiple vaccine measures that need support.
One such measure, S.B. 2350, will mandate the need for legitimate vaccine safety studies. Legislators are also pushing to ensure no parent is forced to vaccine their child in the state of Texas.
Proponents of the vaccine industry have been quick to label these efforts as “misinformation” intended to “stoke fear” about vaccine safety.
Ironically, many of these pro-vaccine rags blither on about measles “outbreaks” while disparaging dissent to the vaccine narrative — even though most outbreaks are actually caused by the measles vaccine. Remember folks, its only “fear-mongering” if you’re going against the grain. The fact of the matter is that vaccine propagandists rely heavily on scare tactics and self-aggrandizement to encourage compliance with pharmaceutical dogma.
Without those two tools, vaccines would be seen for what they are: poison....read more>>>...
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