Like vibration attracts like vibration, simply because everything that is on the same vibration are parts of that vibration. What is 'thought' creates the cymatic sound pattern which generates the vibration, that you are.
Therefore, be careful what you think, because your thoughts generate sound frequencies that bring everything of that sound vibration into your part of the mind field. Your mind field is effectively equivalent to the GOOGLE search field of your mind.
When you generate a sound pattern, it is like using the search engine, and bringing all the possible 'pages' into your awareness.
It is therefore, imperative, to control and observe your thought patterns. Low vibrations such as fear, anger, hate, jealousy will pull to you the 'seedy' and 'dark net' pages into your mind field. Those pages are where the parasites and predatory energies lurk. Permitting these energies into your thoughts ... will have a detrimental effect on your material existence.
Those who are mindful of this 'process' will intentionally generate the thoughts that will bring to them what they require. Some call this cosmic ordering, others magic, and others still realise this process as being mindfulness. It is the conscious means of shaping the physical world around you.
This so called physical world is effectively created by the cymatic sound patterns of thoughts and perceptions of universal consciousness observing this virtual reality. Those who are deliberately introducing 'chaos' and 'mayhem' into this realm, are wishing to effectively permanently change the virtual world. The more 'human beings' they can fool into thinking in their mad agenda, the more powerful is the combined cymatic sound pattern that will create their insane wish.
This makes it all the more vital to become consciously aware of what you are thinking. Are the thought processes happening in your mind right now, your own? Or have they been generated externally? There is a good chance that there is something being subliminally placed in your mind; it'll be there somewhere. The ability to become aware of this hidden influence is an essential necessity ... to turn around the madness and mayhem that is on this physical plane.
So many human beings at this time are not even aware they are not thinking their own thoughts. They have been subliminally brainwashed into believing the bullshit that are the mad agendas out there They are not even aware they have been programmed to follow the pre-planned pathways these mad agendas that have been laid out for mankind. It is going to be very difficult to get humans to clear out the subliminal programs from their minds ...
But it is the most effective way to end the influence of the mad ones who are destroying this world.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.