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Friday 16 August 2024

Attack on free speech: UK government is turning Big Tech companies into online police

 Before some of the UK’s strictest censorship laws in living memory have even come into effect, there are already calls to make them even more draconian.

In 2023, the UK government passed the Online Safety Act allegedly to protect children from online harms, or so the public was told. However, the Government is now threatening to use this Act to crack down on free speech in response to recent civil unrest.

Paymaster General and Minister for the Constitution and European Union Relations Nick Thomas-Symonds MP told Sky News: There are obviously aspects of the Online Safety Act that haven’t come into effect yet, but we stand ready to make changes if necessary"

Times of crisis often breed authoritarian responses, Big Brother Watch’s Mark Johnson warned. “This should be a moment for cool heads. Not more censorship.”

He quite rightly pointed out that “instead of addressing the root causes of the shameful scenes of social unrest, some politicians have suggested knee-jerk reactions which threaten to weaken all of our democratic rights....<<<Read More>>>...