Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday, 8 March 2007

The Age Thing And My Sanity

Information revealed confirms that which was 'divulged' to me as the young boy. Then it was an adventure. An adventure becoming a purpose leading to an obsession through my life. The obsession was to find 'physical proof' of what I'd been given, which was contained within me, which nobody else could comprehend or verify. The obsession lead to a drive to prove my sanity.

Then there were the physical 'alterations' to contend with. The moments of rage and madness; the migraine headaches; the flashes of absolute genius; the sensation of being watched, communicated with by thought, the awareness of being a camera and a tape recorder. Then there is the 'age thing' .... I'm in my fourth decade yet I only appear externally as being barely out of my second decade into my third.

Lumps and bumps around my head, behind my ears; the 'damaged' chromosome in my DNA leading to the removal of my entire colon and a new artificial one crafted internally.

There is still so much to be explained.