The illusion still stands ...
High prison walls surrounding; limiting all to the five senses,
Filtering existence, so all only see what has been decreed as ‘mortal life’
No insights to ‘what’s on the outside’ is permitted
and those with that power are systematically downgraded by the flock ...
By the prisoners themselves within those walls ... the self governing sheep;
The foolish, the naive and the ignorant;
whose who can see for themselves how ‘the accepted truth’ cannot really be;
But they are too anaesthetised in reality to question;
It’s easier to keep the blinkers on than speak up and become noticeable.
It’s easier to remain invisible ...
Than bring focus onto the individual.
More and more the magic of life seeps away ...
Spaces appear in the fabric; rents and tears through which darkness flows
Conscious awareness weaken and freedom moves further and further away
Through apathy; through fear; through ‘being in the comfort zone’
For them awareness is nearly over now.
Soon ... they won’t even be able to think for themselves.
And the demons mock those who have retained awareness,
Letting these brave souls know what’s in store
For these individual voices cannot prevent the tide
They are blighted thus with knowing what must come to pass
A curse ... the ancient right to second sight ...
The third dimension surrounded by high impenetrable fields of force
Holding cruelly those who have the ability to reach out
and keep up their connection with the eternal consciousness ...
Those survivors of the ancient fight who incarnate this time
who intend to broadcast the truth into the minds of fellow man.
The prison is essentially for them;
Because the Demon knows the time is short ...
It’s now or never than human kind have to escape
For the time comes to hand when it is no longer possible to incarnate on earth.
Perhaps a fable;
For clearly there is doubt ... clearly the truths are sketchy
Near complete is the destruction of man’s records of the past
and those that remain have been unfairly ridiculed ... fables written by primitives
But then ... all is written in the living Akasha ... the place powerful minds can tap
Thus the fields of force have also to break connection with memories of spirit
This has been done systematically and albeit completely,
by tampering with the human DNA ... genetically modifying the genes over time
Invisibly in the background; beyond the periphery of mankind
so not even ‘the leaders of man’ are aware,
The total rape of a once divine and highly evolved species ...
By a de-evolving race trapped on a dying world,
who reached out to man as fellow spirit; as angel; as god
to systematically possess and overcome a gentle race .... over time.
But lo!
All is not as planned ...
There are souls born aware
There are souls visited as children and woken to their spirit
There are souls who can reach out beyond the prison even now
There are souls impervious to the glamours, who see beyond the illusion ....
For these souls their lives are spent in darkness
Walking round and round in circles
Tossed on a sea of guilt and self destruction
Cast into crimes of which they have no control
Lives mistakes weighing heavy on their shoulders
No knowing why ... having no answers for the failures in their lives
Visited as children by kindly souls ... given insight into their future
But then blighted by darkness and by distraction.
Know these are reincarnates of the ancient children
Highly evolved souls who know how to neutralise the demons
Who are fearless of that eternal fight ...
Who will remain on the physical plane; growing stronger ...
Despite all that the demons throw at their physical manifestations ....
Powerful, gentle souls
Ancient sentinels who sacrifice their own evolution for the good of man
Those who have gained the right not to return, who choose to come down to aid
Those who can walk away from the mortal plane
and move onwards and upwards ....
But who choose to incarnate over and over again
into sorry lives of strife and pain and sufferance
To add their weight to the measure of man
To lift that wondrous being out of the clutches of the demonic darkness ...
I know one such being
One who bears so much weight due to demonic intervention
One who’s path has been changed by darkly deed and evil distraction
Blameless and shameless ... let that weight lift off thy shoulders
so thy can then truly gain control of thy plight ..