In the wake of the 'alleged' involvement of Mohamed Haneef with the recent Glasgow bombing 'terrorist' attack ... that a mobile phone SIM card that once belonged to Haneef was allegedly found in a jeep that was crashed into Glasgow Airport two weeks ago but it has now been reported that the SIM card was in a car pulled over in Liverpool with Haneef's cousin Sabeel Ahmed ... the Australian government now plan to implement tougher means to be able to purchase SIM cards in the future (no surprise at all really ... it will mean then that everyone who has a mobile phone will have their mobile number on a database somewhere. The days of buying a SIM card anonymously are in short supply it seems).
Sydney Morning Herald Headline 'Moroney Dismisses Privacy Fears' ;
says: 'The NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney has dismissed privacy concerns about his call for an identity check to buy a mobile phone SIM card. Mr Moroney said mobile phones were being used by criminals and were too easy to obtain. "They're being used in domestic criminal circumstances, they're being used in organised crime and certainly we know that in the counter-terrorism context they're also being used," he said. "The acquisition of these cards is too easy. They can be acquired from tobacconists, from general stores."
State and territory police have widely endorsed the proposal following discussions at the federal inquiry into the future impact of serious organised crime on Australian society.
"I hear opposition that these are breaches or potential breaches of civil liberties," he said today. "Let me say this, every police officer ... [has] to be concerned about the civil liberties of everybody - not just a small few. I've got to be concerned about the ultimate civil liberty of being able to go about your business ... without being assaulted, or the ultimate breach of civil liberties, that of murder. And so I dismiss these issues."
Any legislation regulating the purchase of SIM cards would have to be done nationally, Mr Moroney said.'
Remember the world is now a small place, and connections between governments is even smaller. Therefore, if it IS implemented in Australia ... then it is pretty damn certain other countries will follow suit. However, in places like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Dubai etc it is commonplace ...