Breaking news story to follow later (again) ... though there will be lucky Brits supping on their first cup of tea of their Sunday morning with a round of toast already reading this story ... but us 'less fortunate' individuals who rely on the internet version of the Sunday Express must wait until later ... until the bods at the Sunday Express web site office (nice people) decide to upload it. Mind you I can foresee the story already (without any psychic ability) ... 'another wild goose breaks for cover from the sanctity of the closely packed copse of trees in order to satisfy the suspicious general public's demands of 'something must be done' ... we want to hear more about what is being hidden from us ...'
Mind you, if the claimed official story is indeed correct, then perhaps the McCann's should be investigated for their potential neglect of their three children. If this is the case, why has it taken until now for the inquiry?
However, I do not actually believe the official story. My instinct (this time using 'clairvoyant' ability) is that it is a cover for what really went on. I recall the 'remote viewing' exercise I undertook relating to the locality of where Maddy is supposed to have disappeared. I said at the time something didn't feel right about the indicated locations on the map (I will provide link to this in update) ... I intuit what was claimed that night is in truth a fabrication. Therefore this headline is more clouds to satisfy the pied piper's love of deceiving us.
Step back and look at the implications of the headlines from a great distance, for yourself ... and see a similar pattern emerging as all the other times before. Subterfuge and an 'agreed plot' like a script for a film ... remember Gerry is going to the US very shortly. Where I intuit he will be discussing further ways of trickling in the 'trojan horse spin' which this situation is being designed to be the vessel for. Things like ways & means of monitoring children so when they are abducted there is a system of tracking them to implement their safe return.