10:20pm - 10:40pm
Monday 16th June 2007
New Zealand
Aura Soma Tarot #1
Bottle 78 -Ace of Pentacles
Violet/deep magenta
A rainbow of colours surrounding a magenta core. New developments which will lead to success. Connection to harmony of mother earth. A protective pentagram within this core means that the individual at the very centre of this situation (Maddy) is in truth protected. Is safe but within limited boundaries. The rainbow of colours around this core denote the 'onion skins layers to her concealment. Give time for these layers to be broken down.
The colour is high vibrational and linked to cleansing of the mind and the intellect. Providing relief from the current confusion & seemingly incalculable scenario presented by current events.
Bottle 73 - Six of Pentacles
Success; balance & harmony. 'Speak one's own truth & find other's who speak the same'. Current confusion is leading only to more confusion. The image relates to the fact that the current news events are merely circles going round and round concealing that which is really going on in the background. To learn what is really going on .. disregard the six spinning orbs/spheres/pentacles before the eyes and look to what the trees are made of. Right before the eyes ... all the pieces can be made to fit. All the little unanswered fragments, the discrepancies & the insights ... explain what is going on & perhaps where Maddy is currently located ... because it appears to be in plain view.
An energising colour; breaking down barriers created by releasing the pent up energy trapped within the solar plexus epitomised by the butterflies in the stomach. A energy is building with all who speak with the same mind. Positive thought correctly focused can break down the barriers of the illusion around this case. The illusion created by high magic which conceals the truth is merely intentions placed by thought. Media coverage to make us all think in a certain way. Dispel those subliminal urges and focus on what it is we don't accept will render the 'power' of the illusionist invalid. We may then begin to see the truth.
Bottle 79 - The Magician
A deep healing from within for a shock situation.
Revelations are forming. But they shall not be revelations of sorrowful news. On the contrary. The image provides higher understanding of the path and its purpose. There appears to be meaning being provided soon relating to what this situation is really all about though it may not necessarily be in so many words.