People across the globe are bopping to the same beat today as the Live Earth concerts take centre stage. A series of musical spectaculars are being held worldwide to highlight the threat of global warming. And two billion people are estimated to be watching what has been billed as “the biggest show on earth”.
Despite its lofty aims, Live Earth has its critics - among them Bob Geldof, organiser of Live Aid and its follow-up Live 8. Geldof said: “I hope they’re a success. But why is he [Gore] actually organising them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody’s known about that problem for years. We are all f***ing conscious of global warming.”
The concerts will be carbon neutral, with all energy to Wembley Stadium and the other venues supplied by renewable sources. However, the ’carbon footprint’ of each act is likely to come under scrutiny. (Daily Express)