Too little movement within the cage for this man to move ..." (Daily Merlin)
Sky News Reporter Martin Brunt says:
When Mr. Murat was first interrogated he told me they suspected him not of abduction, but of "passing information" about Madeleine to others. I spoke to him last week and he was more fed up than ever, chatty but still worried about being seen to be talking about the case when the judicial secrecy law says he shouldn't. He fears it will drag on for ever and the longer it does, the more difficult it will be for him to retrieve his reputation. One of his relatives just told me: "Robert is caged in." He says police have given him back his mobile telephone and passport. He wants to visit his daughter in the UK, but he feels any trip to the UK will be interpreted as a bid to flee.
When Mr. Murat was first interrogated he told me they suspected him not of abduction, but of "passing information" about Madeleine to others. I spoke to him last week and he was more fed up than ever, chatty but still worried about being seen to be talking about the case when the judicial secrecy law says he shouldn't. He fears it will drag on for ever and the longer it does, the more difficult it will be for him to retrieve his reputation. One of his relatives just told me: "Robert is caged in." He says police have given him back his mobile telephone and passport. He wants to visit his daughter in the UK, but he feels any trip to the UK will be interpreted as a bid to flee.
None of this brings us any closer to knowing what happened to Madeleine. She still appears to have vanished into thin air.