News of advances in artificial human reproduction –- the treatment of infertility, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), genetic enhancement, cloning -– have become commonplace. A report in the New Scientist issue of
The feat was performed by American scientific teams at a
The key change in the previously-recorded procedures was that by using the donor’s egg even without its normal DNA, the DNA that comes only from the woman -- mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA –- has been preserved in the recombined egg. By having the mtDNA not of the woman but that of the donor, conception and pregnancy took hold. Thus, not only procedurally but also genetically, the fetus had three parents: The woman, the male partner, and the female donor.
This report sounds very much like the problems, and the solutions, encountered by Enki and Ninmah (later known as Ninti) when they engaged in genetic engineering to fashion “The Adam” -– the Earthling -– by upgrading the wild Homo erectus found in southeast Africa to become Homo sapiens.
The Sumerian creation texts -– yes, texts, not one but several –- have been reported by me in my first book, The 12th Planet, enlarged upon in Genesis Revisited, and then rendered in maximal detail in The Lost Book of Enki (2002). The methods used, the trial and error, the involvement of the young son of Enki Ningishzidda, are all there. But after the successful fashioning of the male Adamu, the efforts to fashion a female counterpart failed. It was then that Enki realized that the problem might be the re-implanting of the fertilized egg in the womb of an Earthling female. "For a counterpart to Adamu to be fashioned, in the womb of an Anunnaki female" conception is needed!” so did Enki say.
Success came after Enki’s spouse, Ninki, volunteered to have the recombined egg implanted in her womb. The change, the recent experiments reveal, was that the source of the mtDNA was that of Ninki, an Anunnaki female, and not the Earthling mother. Ti-Amat –- the biblical Eve -– thus had the DNA of three parents. Once again, modern science corroborates the Sumerian knowledge.