Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 6 September 2007

Breaking News: Madeleine Parents To Meet Police

Madeleine McCann's parents will speak to police this afternoon after officers leading the investigation were given DNA test results. (Sky News)

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Thursday 6th September 2007
10:55am GMT - 11:33am GMT

'Why is there so much attention drawn to the DNA samples at this time? Insights to possibly indicate the factors surrounding this matter'

A definite pattern has been emerging over the weeks; the minds of the public led forcefully in a particular direction. Quite deliberately the 'pieces' have been placed that have led in the direction of 'Madeleine died in the apartment'. It is clearly a cul-de-sac that has been pressed home since the beginning of August 2007. So much so, I would guess that the majority of the general public now think sub-consciously Maddy is no longer alive. It is clearly face 'The Devil' time hence that image's prominence at the top of the tarot images. The public have become tethered now to this over-riding fear whether they like it or not. Taken progressively along the stepping stones so purposely provided, this 'fear' now over-rides most other instincts. It takes away reason and logic ... and is the subliminal neon light nearly every one now sees. Apparently the 'evidence' is stacked in favour of that reality and surely it is a matter of time until Maddy's death is officially announced? Surely that is the punch line what everyone now expects as the ending to this storyline?

Well, face that fear but know the only thing to fear here is fear itself ... !!! I do NOT see Maddy's death no matter what 'speculation' is provided ... no matter what news stories are written. I care not what I see appearing in the tabloids. I remain completely unconvinced that Maddy died in the apartment or has even died at all! My entire instinct tells me that the DNA samples actually tell an entirely different story and I don't buy 'the smell of death' at all. In fact I determine this claim to read as 'the smell of life' ... that something 'big' has been uncovered, but it's truth will not make the news.

What then of the images? What are they telling me ...??? The User of Staves & the Giver of Staves ... interesting combination with the Unicorn there in the background of both. A hand therefore being played once more by the hand of the mythological beast in all of this. I do not trust this phase in the proceedings. We have the Emperor again .. watching the User of Staves eradicate the threat of the 'enemy'. Cleansing the problem with the process of a dynamic force. Some kind of vibration of power. An undertaking like a policy or a diplomatic solution of which we know nothing about. But then we have the 'healing of the wounded lion' to the left of the User of Staves within the image of Strength. Perhaps then we can glean so more of the 'politics' occurring behind the scenes? Remember it is perhaps the unicorn who has replaced the lion in a seat of power? Something occurs here which is 'monumental' behind the scenes. The current round of 'events' with the Madeleine Mystery are most truly contrived to hide the true events of what the group including the McCanns represent; what is hope to be achieved by some higher 'power' by making Madeleine disappear ... it is in the interests of this agenda that the McCanns are perhaps seen to be possible suspects or that their eldest daughter died in their apartment ... she didn't. This direction in the storyline has been deliberately contrived to conceal what really is occurring ... because the agenda must continue at its most crucial stage ... and IF the storyline does go to the stage that an announcement that Maddy has died I WILL NOT BELIEVE IT ... as it will be an illusion, a sham ... a major deception ... her locality is known and her 'abductor's' identity too! In fact I'm sure the Portuguese Police are aware too .... but they have been silenced by top order powers ... told not to reveal. Their 'leaks' to the papers have been encouraged by the same forces by way of a cover story.

What then of the crystal casting? The pattern of the rectangle with the red stone and the green stone inside ... the symbol 'k' suspended within the square ... perhaps the symbol for Chiron in astrology? Or the initial 'K' ? But then there is also the symbol of a figure with hands held aloft in triumph? Or even a figure held captive within known parameters so it cannot go anywhere? There is much to muse on that pattern in truth ... something else to ponder too ... the green stone within the square ... is my 'heart injury' stone as part of its green colouration has a tarnished appearance hence its label ... significant too perhaps?

Something significant is to 'revealed' to the McCanns. It will be interesting to learn who the 'suspect' who's DNA has been uncovered. What though of the Doctor's Three and their statements? What then of the CCTV footage that showed Maddy with Gerry & Russell O'Brien at another restaurant that night? There are still so many unanswered questions still.