Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 6 September 2007

Ylenia Update: I Saw Ylenia With Three Men'

Blick On Line Translation; says: 'Cathy S.* (51) saw Ylenia on the day of the kidnapping. In the white box car with Urs Hans von Aesch were two other men. Was everything completely different? Didn't Urs Hans von Aesch (66) kidnap Ylenia alone? Cathy S. is convinced of it. She reported her observations to the police.

On 31 July mother of five children was in her Renault Twingo on the way from Herisau to Niederuzwil. Also with her was her Son Alex (18). It is short before 13 o'clock, when you are noticeable on the main street a white box car with Spanish characteristics. “The car drove very slowly in front of me as if the driver does not know the way.”, says Cathy S. Then the car followed the road as it bends right into the Bürerwald. At the crossing before Oberbüren a little later she sees it again. It was stopped. Cathy S. drives close to the car. “I wanted to help, if the people did not find the way.” Cathy peeps into the car. and was frightened by a violent struggle going on inside. “The blond driver and the older man on the passenger seat were arguing? The blond man hit someone, which sat in front of the car. I heard a man's voice.” There was a small, blond girl inside the car who pushed herself to the driver window. “She looked at me and said: ‹I want my mum. I want to go home. ›” The small girl -looked out fearfully, remembers Cathy S. "Then the girl began to cry.The driver looked me totally shocked and cranked the window closed.”

Son Alex wanted to intervene. But mother Cathy drove off. When she looked a last time into the rear view mirror, she sees the older man driving and she then decided she'd imagined there was something strange. Then Cathy S. forgets the incident. Until on 3 August at the kiosk where she sees Ylenia's picture: “I saw the title page view and thought: ‹I know the girl in the picture! ›”

(** Apologies for the grammatical mistakes in the above transcript. The translation was incomplete**)

Yania is still missing. If anyone has any vital information relating to the whereabouts of Ylenia Lenhard please contact the Canton police in Appenzell Innerrhoden on Telephone No:0041- 71 788 97 00.