Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 16 September 2007

Daily Merlin: Around Maddy

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot)
Sunday 16th September 2007
10:15pm - 10:40pm
Insights relating to Madeleine McCann at this time'


10 of Swords
7 of Cups
2 of Swords
[undisclosed image]

Very interesting cards indeed. It provides the insight that someone knows who has Madeleine and where Madeleine currently resides. This 'someone' is linked closely to the McCanns. The [undisclosed image] is a surprising image to say the least, hence my decision to omit its 'appearance' in this spread. The images present a 'landscape' of the locality where Maddy perhaps resides or may have resided up until recently ... a 'ruined tower' on a hill within a place of destitution and poverty. Mountains and soaring birds of prey ... perhaps a ferry boat crossing from one headland to another. But certainly a property in sight of a coastline.

But the scenery appears to have changed. She lies hidden deep within in the 'delusion' created suggested by the 7 of Cups. There are finances at stake which prolong Maddy's disappearance. She is alive for sure. The Strength card ... the challenging network which surround those who hold Maddy. The spheres of influence which stretch out from the one who holds the key to the door behind which Maddy resides. A 'cunning weasel' linked to the lion . It seems a female doctor holds the clue to who and where. Someone linking to the McCanns who needs to be questioned more thoroughly this time because she is aware of the negotiations that led to the 'disappearance' .... and one extremely close to the McCanns suspects now ... but was ignorant before. Become more informed on the 'goings on' within a certain 'lodge' and the activities of one that was thought to be trustworthy. This someone KNOWS Maddy is safe and well but refuses to break the silence because it could jeapodise the situation. Double dealing and blackmail. Hidden faces behind government which stretches far and wide within not just one countries bureaucracy is linked here.

Should the investigation cross perhaps to Ireland? A thought ... a muse ... indications here that the undisclosed person suspects someone in Southern Ireland ... a remote and desolate place is highlighted on the undisclosed card. Close by to deer and woodland. To meandering salmon stream. Close to a lake ... frequented by swans ... intuition is wary there is signs here of danger and a threat by getting too close ... protective networks observe. Intelligence surrounds this place.