Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 14 September 2007

Daily Merlin 'The Crescent Stone'

The 'personality' is certainly influential and linked to many faces in many places


Daily Merlin Insight (using The Servants of the Light tarot)
9:00pm - 9:40pm
Friday 14th September 2007

'Possibly a side line from the main "trail", but insights surrounding "a mystery personality" linked to McCanns may or may not be of significance ...'

Photographic psychometry of a press release photograph of a unspecified identity heralded the above casting and tarot images.

Note initially the 'crescent stone' seen in the casting ... 'the replica crescent moon' perhaps? A time of significance approaching? The pattern outlined in yellow was intuited as relevant for the crystal casting. The crescent is seen to be linked to crystals in many directions. The 'personality' is certainly influential and linked to many faces in many places. Insights suggest that the personality appears perhaps to know the location of Madeleine McCann? The pattern seen to emanate from 'The Devil' ... the fear to be faced .... the restrictions and the control. The contrived angle to the entire campaign. The personality certainly appears to be involved in it all. The right face at the right time? Or the personalities involvement not by chance but by calculated design as other faces within the network knew of this personality's link to the McCanns? It is not coincidence that the pattern emanates from the Devil ... from all that we fear ... the hidden and the unknowable influencing all that we see and we hear ... manipulation and corruption ... distortions of the truth.

The Sun card relates closely to the religious and symbolic nature of it all. A reoccurring image is the sun linking to all of this ... symbolically Ra ... born in the morning to die at the night time to then be 'reborn' again the following day. All symbolic ... a pagan sun-god power play to some involved in it all? At those dizzy heights of reality, everything in life is steeped in symbolism. Thus the mystery of Madeleine McCann is set to evolve into something else ... there are still more twists and turns in the puzzle. We have yet to learn of the anger (revenge?) depicted by the red stone at the extreme left ... and the 'wounded heart' again depicted by its symbolic green stone at the right ... both of these stones not linked to the yellow lines of the pattern.

We see again Justice and The Lovers ... two more 'major' players in the tarot deck. Barely involved as yet in this situation. But there on the outside looking in ... awaiting their moment perhaps to become involved?

Within the crystal casting there are three crystals associated with occult interest and abilities ... the amethyst, Lapis lazuli ... and a purple crystal towards the top of the cast ... therefore I intuit this personality has their own interests and pursuits in the occult as was suspected ... an un-nerving personality with a look of 'distrust' seen in their eyes. Someone who won't stop until they get what they want ... someone who would not be too concerned about who's toes they step upon to attain their goals. Watch out Gerry & Kate, there appears someone in your 'fold' who is capable of double crossing you ... there is cause for concern here as this personality certainly has the influence and the motives to double deal you with this situation.

Hints again of Madeleine McCann having been on an island. Leaving its sanctuary by sea at night ... on more than one occasion. The opportunist with the boat links also to the McCanns it seems. This first occasion was perhaps suspected by either Gerry or Kate. The involvement of the mystery personality which this transcript refers to ... may well have been suspected by Kate or Gerry during the early stages ... more likely Kate ... Gerry was perhaps also aware of the involvement through his own influential dealings. This knowledge appears now to be perhaps being turned against them ..... searches should not be in the PDL for a 'body' ... but in truth on Malta for the proof that Madeleine DID venture there alive and well. It appears it was here that Madeleine was 'kept out of circulation' .... by someone who was able to secret her away ... and disappear themselves with no questions asked.

The Devil image depicts a man and a woman in chains ... captured by the establishments of the devil ... Gerry & Kate in their current status perhaps or is there worse to come? Notice the crescent stone just touches the woman figure ... symbolic of the pointed hand at Kate .... the Lovers indicates perhaps an unknown past 'liason' which perhaps is of relevance ... or is to be a revelation somehow fed to the media world by the 'mystery personality' who appears to have been the confidant in the past .... beware Kate & Gerry someone appears to be capable of betrayal .. they are also capable of influencing the network of worker bees to surface any media story the mystery person wishes to appear ... be warned ... a hidden link to 'the justice of the land' could be activated to have any charge desired placed on the McCanns ... an act of venemous revenge? Someone has some real grudge against Kate & Gerry it seems ... the media slur appears to be that enactment of revenge.

The campaign should resume its 'search' for Maddy ... take the investigation to Malta then watch where it leads ... four people appear to be linked to a living & breathing Maddy at this time. All contactable by the mystery personality or contacts thereof ... that contact has a time and a slot in the unfolding routine .. before that the hooded face of Justice must play its 'hand' ....

The 4 of Weapons ... 'ignore the hand gestures above the table and the 'operations' seen unfolding .... it has all been contrived to be seen by the public and to keep the public entertained. It is NOT what is really going on. This cannot be stressed enough ... what is REALLY occurring is hidden ... brushed under the carpet ... hidden from view. It links 'with the sun' ... sun cults ... sun worshippers ... ??? Pagan hearts at the very core of religion .. Madeleine McCann is the key ... is the commodity ... not to be 'sacrificed' in the physical sense. Nor is she to be bought and sold. It is who holds her that is the key. The how and the why coming clearer ... but strains of The Muckslingers Groove' are distorting that distinctive sound!