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Friday 14 September 2007

'A Magical Universe' - more about Chaos Magick

Quantum physics says that not only is magic possible in a world which is infinitely more Chaotic than we are led to believe, but that magic is central to the functioning of this universe. This is a magical universe not a clockwork one. Causal materialist beliefs were a liberating and refreshing breath of fresh air after a millennia and a half of monotheism, but now, at their zenith, they have become a tyranny. Relativity and the fundamental physics associated with it are probably close to a final refinement of the causal materialist paradigm, and as such they now seem a terrible prison. For all practical purposes they confine us to this planet forever and rule out magic from our lives.

Quantum physics, which are basically an investigation of the magical phenomena underlying the reality most people have perceived as non-magical for the last two hundred years, shows us a way out of this prison.

All the gods and goddesses are within us and non-materially about us as well, in the form of non-local information. Consider this …that all events occur basically by magic; the apparent causality investigated by classical science is merely the more statistically reliable end of a spectrum whose other end is complete Chaos

There are for me two main aspects of magic; the parapsychological and the psychological. In enchantment and divination the magician is attempting to interact with nature via non-material causality. He is basically exchanging information with his environment without using his physical faculties.. The maneuvers are startlingly simple and once understood it is possible to invent an unlimited number of spells and forms of divination. The maneuvers are sacred but the forms of their expression are arbitrary; anything can be used at random.

When a magician interacts with those apparently sentient sources of knowledge, inspiration and parapsychological ability that have been called spirits, gods, demons and elementals, the magician is tapping into the extraordinary resources which is already contained within all of us. When activated they may also receive some input via non-material causality from outside. Yet since we all contain such a rich multitude within our own unconscious or subconscious and can also receive congruent information from the collective unconsciousness as it were, then the possibilities are practically limitless. Given the correct technique one can invoke or evoke anything, even things which did not exist before one thought of calling them. This may sound like complete Chaos, which indeed it is !!!!!!!!!!!!