Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 16 September 2007

Daily Merlin Insight: 'Who Were Maddy's Abductors?'

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Sunday 16th September 2007
12:35pm -

Casting aside any influences which may have filtered into my logical awareness due to the extremes of speculative journalism in recent times. Wiping the slate clean and performing the most fundamental of insights once again. Similar in format to the early days of remote viewing this particular mystery; using the photograph of Maddy to the right as the link; still receiving the overwhelming sense of Madeleine still being very musch ALIVE :

Who were the 'abductors' of Madeleine McCann? Insights to suggest the identity & surrounding of her 'abduction'

The User of Staves arrives as the key image in the spread. Surprisingly this is so ... no court cards of the suit of Weapons in sight. No Maker of Weapons, no User of Weapons. Surprisingly ... I initially had the sense that this spread was in fact a contradiction to those undertaken back in May & June when asking this same or similar question. Then the insights suggested the route and the plan behind her disappearance. She was the Flaming Sword ... enmeshed in the design of her 'keeper' .... on a religious campaign. Her disappearance symbolic and necessary to force the hand of others or another? Thus, these current images encouraged me to disregard this spread for fear of contradiction? Surely they answer a different question in my mind? Surely these insights are tainted by too much of the recent theories and speculations?

No, both these and the earlier insights are one and the same. What is a religious campaign can also be a political campaign ... if those it relates to are one and the same. Namely, that of the same person or persons! Bearers of different standings. Or different 'masks. The implications of the court of Staves is immense ... three of the court cards appear ... all carrying images of The Unicorn.

Thus events surrounding Madeleine's disappearance are deceptive for sure. It clearly is not the simple abduction it may seem to be. It was most surely pre-planned, carefully planned ... meticulously detailed. Each and every stage decided. It is not a chance snatching by a predator ... her taking was most surely 'a borrowing' just like it was intuited in the early days.

The 4 of weapons concedes it has all been undertaken within the cloak of deception. The hand signals above the table the general public see are not that which truly went on ... the 'operations' reported to find Maddy and the ensuing cruel speculations ... are not what really went on ... all of this has hidden the truth under the table ... the even was perpetrated by a 'hand' of the Unicorn ... the 8 of Crescents indicates the direction which was taken at the time of Madeleine's disappearance. A decoy event was enacted ... so the custodian of Maddy could take her out of PDL ... transported across water on the very first night .... my intuition is very strong with this regard. Some time around the hour of 8 is what is mused at this time ... but how does this 'stack' with the official reports? The 4 of Weapons has the 'book meaning' of 'recovery' ... therefore the conclusion of this saga is indeed her 'safe recovery' ....

The crystal casting produced a distinctive 'Y' pattern ... like a cleft stick perhaps? There is other significance with this pattern I intuit. Something on which to muse ... Someone close and known to Maddy seems to be suggested by the pink 'family' stone ... The Y is the branch and the decoy .. the opposite direction to what has perhaps been claimed officially? The 'branch' of an organisation maybe? The operation begun by 'The Charioteer'? He who has the most to gain by it all? He who steers the chariot (that which the public sees or the public front of this campaign) ... he who deceives us all. Someone of great political standing. His identity is still a mystery. But, it seems that is how it is meant to be ... his intentions are to 'tweak' the pillars of left & right. To bring forth harmony and balance where there is currently much political & religious unrest. That which is behind the 'abduction' is most surely 'controversial' to say the least. The 3 of Crescents is 'the birth card' ... hinting once more at the methods by which Maddy was conceived ... the IVF seems to be linked to this controversy. The 3 of Staves represents the need for ONE priest (male) and TWO priestesses (females) to permit the conception of Madeleine McCann .... thus it perhaps the answer to the mystery to understand who was the other egg donor which regard this process? Might this female therefore be the 'Giver of Crescents' indicated at the top of the spread? Might it be she who instigated the 'borrowing' of Madeleine McCann? Unless of course the abduction was genuine and it is she who is now in intended permanent possession of Madeleine McCann? But why then so much pre-planning with faces from within powerful places of influence? Therefore it seems the birth of Madeleine is therefore the significant cause behind this planned abduction .... find the other female and there could be a chance in solving the core reason behind the mystery. Her standing must be one of some power ... for her to be kept hidden behind such a shroud of secrecy.

The Maker of Staves appears to be one who links with political parties and also with the McCanns. Someone like a spokesperson or a peace keeper. Someone familiar with campaigns and statement writing and also appearing before the TV cameras?

On the right hand branch of the Y ... the top crystal epitomises anger and frustration ... someone on this branch of the trail appears to link with 'operations of the heart' ... or even at the heart ... at the very centre of it all? His own political career ... his own future seems to be at stake here ... the deceptive nature of it all appears to also conceal what has been passed like a hand for him to play ... a preconceived agenda. This gentleman has much pressure and much to prove. Someone prone to double crossing personalities who will be loyal to the 'victor's campaign' ... it appears within the corridors of those behind the abduction there is a real struggle for 'power' ... as there are hidden faces changing sides. There are many who feel threatened by what this contrived campaign may genuinely unearth. There are so many of the highest echelons involved who are 'using' those in the lower degrees while still keeping them in the dark with regard to what this 'great work' is really all about.