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Monday, 10 September 2007
Daily Merlin: Those Obvious questions (again)
In the light of all the current furore; with all the accusations now flying across the English Channel from Portugal ...it is necessary to glean insights into the gathered 'evidence'; its legitimacy and also ... as always indications into the current locality/well being of Madeleine McCann ...
Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
10th September 2007
NZ - 9.40pm - 10:20pm
Question #1 - Insights to gain how accurate the DNA Samples found in the hire car are ...
Prime Of Staves
User of Spheres (reversed)
9 of Crescents (reversed)
Anyone remember the User of Spheres? This card was linked to the path tracked beyond Malta earlier on the trail ... strange this card should surface at this time ... reversed too ... because around 25 days AFTER Maddy had disappeared was when insights suggested Maddy was made 'invisible' ... coincidental? There is nothing coincidental here. All appears to be design ... I still sense strongly that Madeleine McCann DID go to Malta and she DID go to Italy ... this card provides me the comfortable confirmation. It was the first card to appear and its reversal indicates that the DNA cannot be that of a 'dead' Madeleine McCann. She was alive at the time of 25 days after her disappearance AND she still remains alive.
This PJ accusation is something cruel ... something malevolent. A means for those behind the orders that lead to this direction to force the McCanns to perhaps reveal what is really going on. The Prime of Staves indicates perhaps the wisdom behind the current intentions of the Portuguese PJ. Behind the prime stands the Unicorn appearing a little agitated. In the background hovers one of the many worker bees ... there on the horizon eager to report the next revelations ... on the outside of the insight are the four faces of those initially behind the planning of the mystery. Four faces remaining hidden still. But will they always remain undiscovered?
Question #2 -that ever important insight. In the current tense ... Is Madeleine McCann still alive and well? Who is it that is around her ?
Out popped 'an extra card' ... surprisingly .. there is The Shining Star in a positive position in the spread ... beside the World card this time the correct way up .... linked to the Star is the Prime of Staves and the four original planners of the mystery. Centrally is the Justice card ... a figure sits on the steps between the two pillars ... the yin and yang of perhaps the Lovers image from a previous insight. It all suggests now the synchronicity of careful planning as all the seemingly disconnected compartments come together.
Of Madeleine's survival ... I again gain insights that provide the affirmative YES. The energies here are strong. There is a holding pattern and a complication to resolve this situation. But within the judgement card there is the compartment which holds the little child. At the bottom of the image is the ''wish fulfillment' of the situation. The 'they lived happily ever after' ... the mood of the image suggests delays and frustrations. But yes .. the cuurent custodians of Maddy still intend to return here. It is still part of their plans as they seem merely to keep her for 'safe keeping' . I intuit those who are with Maddy ... know personas who link directly with the McCanns. I wonder what is truly known by members of the group? Someone knows those who link with the custodians of Maddy.
Unbelievably for so many now, in the light of the news reports of the last month, Maddy survives and is in good health. Her location I cannot intuit. However I feel directed to reveal a figure of eight motion of travel between the land of the Bull & the land of The Lion. Almost as if the custodians were given chase ... and maybe somehow alluded capture somewhere within France? This appears in the position of the 6 on a clock face ... I sense however the need to ask the question ... was capture alluded or in truth was this the event when Madeleine was recovered from the initial custodians/ abductors ... was this a change of hands? the card number is that of the World ... 21 ... was this event therefore around the 21st of June?? Was Madeleine somehow recovered then and here safe keeping from the world perpetuated since then? The bogus media speculation the cover of this hidden truth ... ??? Madeleine's continued safety ensured ... the media stories kept on the 'still searching' theme in order to capture other 'members' of the abduction group?
But if this is so ... what then of the stories since the beginning of August? Since the appearance of that anomaly on the photograph in early August? What then of the accusations directed at the McCanns??? These insights will be intuited (hopefully) in other transcripts .... as instinct declares that the events we see unfolding now .. are not what they appear.